With Emerson Fersch: ‘What is happening cannot possibly be happening!’
‘Fear is the biggest evil of all, It’s worse than killing, It’s worse than thieving. To be afraid is the most evil thing that you can suffer.’
Hall of Horrors — and the Antidote . . .
When Emerson Fersch and I get to talk on his channel, UPThinking Finance, we rarely if ever talk about finance. In this conversation, recorded on February 12th, and uploaded on his channel on March 1st, we seek to plumb the derangement of the world in search of ways to return it to sense, but also discuss what that means and where it leads us, about the Spiritual War and where that takes us, and how we might arrive at some form of armistice in this war against humanity.
‘In the earlier stages of the “Not God” existence thing — in the sense that we abolished gods — in the Nietzschean sense — there was the evolution of a mentality among humanity — in the West, say— that there was no such thing as sin. But now we’ve reached a stage where there is a strong belief that you cannot commit crime. That’s almost a defining quality of our governments now, a sense that you cannot commit crime.’
‘That’s one of the things that really strike you about this: When you’ve reached a certain age in this civilisation — as it used to be. And you’ve kind of being used to a certain way of things happening, and things being done, and certain expectations of you, and certain thing you are entitled to expect as a citizen, or as a human person in the society. And to see that that’s all been binned. It’s all been basically scrapped now. And all bets are off. And it’s literally like everything has gone rogue — all the official institutions have become criminal, and turned against the People. Ah. . . I just said that Emerson! I just said that, and I can’t believe I said it! You know what I mean? Can I go back and just make sure that I said that correctly? That the political institution have turned rogue and they have turned against the People!? Yes! That is what’s happening, incredible as it is! I can’t believe it. I will be 69 next birthday and I have lived in my country all that time, and I’m staggered that I am saying such things at this stage of my life, in my own country. It’s like things that you might encounter in far-distant lands, where democracy had never touched, or where civilisation was unheard of. You might condescendingly visit such a place and smile patronisingly at such developments, and say, “Well, I hope you get your act together soon! I wish you all well!” But it’s happening in my country. It’s happening in your country!’
‘The surreal idea that what is happening cannot possibly be happening — that’s a new thing. I remember some time ago, I was speaking to somebody who was a bit of a philosopher, and he was speaking about the difficult of stating a single sentence that is actually definitively, objectively true. And he challenged me to come up with a sentence that could be said to be absolutely true. And the one I came up with, actually, was the inverse of that sentence; I said, “What is happening cannot possibly not be happening.” And he thought it was a trick answer. But now we see the obverse of that: that what is happening cannot possibly be happening! It’s so unreal; it so like a trick. It’s so like a game. Like, I sometime think that it is like a supreme gaslight, that they are creating a kind of a Hall of Horrors, or something, where you are subjected to these horrors, and then one moment they will bring us in to land, and they will say, “Haha! Had ya going there for a while, didn’t I?!”‘
‘There are no adults! You keep thinking, “This is gone so crazy now that any day now somebody’s going to let a big roar and everybody’s going to fall quiet.” Like a classroom — when the classroom goes crazy when the teacher leaves for a few moments, and then the headmaster comes passing by and knocks on the door and everybody goes . . . sshhhhhhh!! You think that’s gonna happened, because you’ve been acclimatised to living in a civilisation in which that would happen, or some equivalent thereof. It’s not happening. There are no adults! There is nobody over the people who are doing all this to say, “Stop!”’ This is the staggering thing. These people are crazy. They’re like adolescents with no brains, with no breeding, with no culture, with no knowledge of anything. And they’re doing all this stuff, oblivious to the consequences. And there’s nobody above them to say, “Hey! Hey! Hey! Please! Stop! Now!”’
“I feel actually quite powerless in all this, and I mean that in the most existential way. I don’t mean that I have no political power – of course I don’t. I meant that I feel, more and more in this situation, physically affected by this. It’s like something that gets into your bones and causes them to vibrate in a strange way. And it’s like they’ve found some knob somewhere on a machine that can turn gravity up, and make it bear down on you harder with every moment. It’s not just getting old — it’s something else.’
“The only hope that I can feel — not see, feel — is this: that evil cannot win. Evil cannot win. And not just as a kind of a sanctimonious, pious aspiration, but that the world won’t work if evil wins. The word will not work for anybody, including the evildoers. This is something I don’t think they’ve actually thought all the way through. I’m torn sometimes between thinking that these guys are evil geniuses, and that they’re completely stupid. Because they don’t seem to see the most obvious things. That if you destroy the world and all the people in it, and you destroy their happiness and their lives and their health and everything 4else, then it won’t be worth living in — for you either!’
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