Video Conversations: Introducing: 'Filth Reveal Day'
A Plan to Save the World from 'Elite' Psychopathic Parasitic Perverts
Towards the end of this week’s conversation with Kevin Barrett, of the American channel FFWN (False Flag Weekly News) and Senior Editor at Veterans Today, I find myself blurting out a possible ‘solution’ to the present situation whereby it appears that we have become the prisoners of the perversions of our supposed ‘leaders’ — those who cling to political and other forms of power in our societies. It seems clear that, because of some past indiscretions or crimes, the world’s elites have a hold over them, compromising their ‘integrity’ and fragil democratic tendencies, so their only recourse, as they see it, is to dispossess and enslave their own peoples, at the behest of those shadowy figures.
(Dr. Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror. He is the host of TRUTH JIHAD RADIO; a hard driving weekly radio show funded by listener subscriptions at Substack and the weekly news roundup FALSE FLAG WEEKLY NEWS [FFWN].)
Since we are aware that pretty much all our political leaders, together with innumerable journalists, judges, senior police officers and other power-holders, are so compromised and, as a result, have become highly blackmailable on account of secret lifestyle-choices and perversions that become publicly discernible in, for example, their obsession with pushing such as Drag Queen Story Hour on our children, the answer to our (and their) problem may be for us, the public, to extend them an amnesty on the basis that our moral expectations of them are exceedingly low. This would enable them to go to their blackmailers and tell them, ‘Go on, publish those snaps and Polaroids you’re holding over us! Do your worst! Our people will stand by us!’ This in turn would liberate our nations from the stranglehold of the Combine and allow us to reclaim our freedoms and our children’s birthrights without fear of further criminal adventuring by the creeps and pondlife we have permitted to become our ‘representatives’.
John Waters: I do think that this parasitism is really a very strong instinct in these people — if you look at the way that they behave and you judge people not by their words, but by their actions. That's a fundamental understanding in the religious context, all religions really: by their actions, their deeds, shall you know them. This month they fly into Davos in their private jets [and] they emit more carbon in one journey than the average person in a lifetime, and sit down in front of four-inch thick steaks and talk about how ‘We will eat ze bugs and we'll manage ze future’, and all this sort of stuff. This is not just hypocrisy. This is something deeper than hypocrisy. They say, ‘All this will be offset by the consequences of our deliberations.’ And I say, ‘No, you're frauds, completely. You have no interest (in benevolence). You want comfort for yourself. Then you want to enslave everybody else. It's quite obvious that you should at least have had the presence of mind to get together and say, 'Listen, we better just bring sandwiches with us to Davos. We'll bring a packed lunch to Davos just to show those people that we mean business and we're real.’
We know they're not real. We know that what they want is all things for themselves. They want everything for themselves. Fundamentally, that's really what this is.
Another slightly different way of putting it is that they and the people they represent, BlackRock and these other massive asset management companies, own about 90% of the world. And they were worried about the other 10%. How come they don't own that? And this is their plan to claim it. That's it! And the other really sickening thing, Kevin: I don't mind criminals getting on with trying to steal, right? That's what criminals do. But how come the politicians, the governments, the ministers, the prime ministers, the presidents, the judges, the chief justices, the police officers, the commissioners of police have all been in league with these criminals for the last three years? That's the thing that really makes me ill.
Kevin Barrett: Yeah. And I think it goes back longer than three years in a lot of respects. One way I sometimes explain the deep state in the United States is to point out that during J. Edgar Hoover's lifetime, he ruled the United States because he had dirty pictures of everybody who mattered. And Meyer Lansky had dirty pictures of Hoover and could tell Hoover what to do. And so the cops and the criminals' power hierarchy got reversed. And I think that's been the case for a while, at least in the United States.
John Waters: Yeah, the dirty pictures seem to be the key. The key to the whole thing, isn't it?
Kevin Barrett: With Jeffrey Epstein and so on we've been reminded of all of that. And it's kind of horrifying, because they need nastier dirty pictures all the time, because people get used to the stuff that used to be blackmailable. So now you've got satanic pedophile rings and that sort of thing. If that's progress, let me off.
John Waters: I sometimes wonder about the fact that these people are intent upon liberalising the world to the extent that nobody will actually exert any judgment on any sexual act or anything in the future. Now you're supposed to celebrate all of these things, almost to the point now of celebrating paedophilia. That seems to be where they're taking us. And yet they seem to be controlled by this. Why don't they just say, ‘Listen, this is what we are. We're perverts. We're filth. But we're trying to run the country honestly, so don't worry about that. And we won't do any more of this stuff, if you don't mind us having done it in the past, and if you just agree to forget to have seen those dirty pictures when they produce them, we will give you back your freedoms. We'll give you back your countries. We will take the threat of impoverishing you away. We will take the threat against your children's lives and futures away.’ I don't mind. I'm quite prepared to offer these guys a deal.
Kevin Barrett: They need to go to a Sexual Blackmailers (or Blackmailed) Anonymous meeting.
John Waters: Yeah. I'm quite willing to say: ‘Okay, let's declare an amnesty. Let's name a day that we say to these guys, "You just tell your blackmailers, ‘Okay, produce all the pictures!”’ And on that day we will say, ‘We don't care. We don't even want to look at those pictures. We're not going to look at them. And we're not going to hold them against you. Just go back to doing the job we elected you to do.’ Wouldn't that be a wonderful plan?
Kevin Barrett: It would be a fair deal. Whether or not we can get them to actually stick to their side of the bargain, I don't know. But this might be a good place to end it. A plan to save the world! And people can tell us what they think of it in the comment section.
John Waters: Yeah, we need a name for it, Kevin. We need a name for this wonderful plan: ‘The Filth Reveal!’ We'll have one day that will be called Filth Revealed Day. What would be an appropriate day? April the first?
Kevin Barrett: Yeah.
John Waters: Or Halloween, maybe. I don't know. We can decide that later.
Kevin Barrett: Or combine the two: Pick a day halfway between the two.
John Waters: Yeah. And we just all agree: ‘Look, we don't care what you did.’ We know you're all filth, anyway. There's no surprise. We won't be surprised, you know. Come on!
Kevin Barrett: Nothing surprises us anymore.
John Waters: In fact, probably by now we've imagined much worse than you were able to do.
Kevin Barrett: Exactly. You may not even be as bad as we think you are!
John Waters: It'll be quite tame. And so let's just do it. ‘Okay, tomorrow morning, call your blackmailers, tell them “We don't care, just do your worst. We're taking our countries back. We're giving our countries back to their peoples. You can go to hell.”’
Kevin Barrett: I can't wait till that day arrives. It probably won't be tomorrow. Well, I think we just launched a movement. John. Well done. Thank you so much.
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See also below:
Video No 2:
Every Day is April Fools
‘You can’t really capture the enormity of that is happening, because all the words you might have to use have been used all along, all our lives, and are only useful up to a certain point of gravity. And then they become weak. And they’re weak now in the face of these unprecedented developments: where adult men and women get up every day, put on their clothes and brush their hair, and walk businesslike to their cars or their buses, and they go into work and spend their day destroying the lives of other people, and destroying the society or the civilisation that gave them life. And you hear the result of their deliberations, or their statements, or their legislation, and you’re open-mouthed. You think ‘No, this is April Fool’s Day. Now, it’s April Fool’s Day every day!’
I’m back with Fergus O’Rourke after a two-year hiatus to talk about:
the new intolerance of ‘The’ Science; the cancer of bullshit jobs; Mattias Desmet and the mechanistic society and the collective soul of the crowd; the mystery within man that abbreviates his hubris and self-delusion; the continuing war being waged against the peoples of the West; the point and function of religion, how to live in the bunker and the mystery at the same time; why politicians are so enthusiastic about putting their boots on our faces; the nature and meaning of a ‘real’ economy, its laws written on the land; the cultural sclerosis that is trapping artists and writers in a time-warp that prevents them describing the collapse that is happening all around them; the long-running war against males; the redundancy of the words we have relied on all our lives . . . and much more.
‘It’s as if man created the world according to rules that got buried for centuries, by religiosity and mysticism. But now man has reasserted his claim on reality. and will make everything perfect!’