Video conversation:
'For all the talk for the past 20 years about “God is dead!” and the new atheism . . . these guys are pretty keen on religious rites . . . They know this stuff is still in there, in the human person.'
When Man Becomes God . . . Who, now, is ‘man’? What man? Which men?
John Waters and Thomas Sheridan discuss the transhumanist revolution and the approaching posthumanist moment, probably the greatest challenge ever thrown before the human species as a whole, though perhaps not only by the obvious protagonists — perhaps also by the God or gods who inhabit(s) our own deepest consciousness.
For years, neuroscientists have been telling us that not only is there no such thing as the human soul but there is no human self — no continuous human subjectivity through time. Now, as we trundle towards the moment of Technological Singularity, and on to the posthumanist era, we begin to suspect a motive for such a demoralising initiative: to capture mankind in a kind of profane transcendence that builds on and leeches off the religious grounding of humanity to insinuate a radical kind of transcendence that appears to offer quasi-eternal life and superhuman intelligence to all humans, but in reality has the hallmarks of a power-grab by a few men with aspirations to personal godhood and the associated levels of power and control over their fellow human hitherto understood as accruing only to a/The ‘Creator’.
(from Beyond Room 313, YouTube)