Video Conversation: James Collins #17
‘It doesn't seem to matter what pain an Irish person — even an Irish child — suffers. There is a bigger agenda, clothed in this notion of “benevolence,” which is really about power and money.’
Occupied Ireland
‘I was looking back at the four years that we’ve just come through — all this awfulness. And it just struck me that that period is like a single thing. And it’s a very intense, very ugly, very nasty thing — the atmosphere in it, the feel of it, the taste of it. It’s absolutely obnoxious. But it just struck me: Why is that? And we have said this before, but now it came to me very clearly. And this you might see as a metaphor, but it’s not, if you like, that much of a metaphor. It’s almost literally true — that, actually, Ireland has been occupied for the last four years. That’s the feeling I have. And all of this is part of that occupation.’
We should never tire of saying it until it is no longer true: that the most vital task before us is reversing the conditions imposed on us 47 months going-on four years ago, when our countries fell to a global coup, with the straightforward aims of terminating Western civilisation, dismantling democracy, gathering the leftover material wealth of the world into a single pile to be divvied-up amongst those who already own almost everything, and bringing down the shutters on 3,000 years of striving to make and keep mankind free.
These four years have essayed a continuous note of tyranny and menace, and the perpetrators, whom most of our number look to as their leaders, are in fact far worse than common criminals. They are also liars and frauds and psychopaths and traitors. Cloaking themselves in a quilt of benevolence, they effected a treasonous usurpation and sought to smear with spell-words those who declared their moral nakedness and sought to breathe new life into the truth. They sprayed around accusations of ‘hate,’ when Hate was their middle name, and ‘Hell’ the name over their doors.
They have betrayed every principle of public duty and trust. We should not — shall not! — rest until they are brought to justice.
For four years, my country has been in a condition of occupation. This, as stated, is but faintly a metaphor. The thugs laying claim to democratic authority are not our leaders; they purport to rule us, without mandate or moral authority. They claim to be our delegates and envoys but swagger down the cold corridors of Davos, triumphantly reporting on the progress of our subjugation. Are we insane to allow such creeps to claim dominion over us? Have we no shame? Where is our pride? How can we Irish, for example, pretend normality when the 800-year freedom project of our nation — whose legends transfixed our childhoods — remains in abeyance?
Absent the lure of big money on top of the handing over of sovereignty to external bureaucracies, nonentities like Varadkreep and Martin, would have had no cause to approach the Office of An Taoiseach other than changing the wastepaper baskets; pharmaceutical pushers would not have come to pollute our waterways and water tables with their experimental death potions; Silicon Valley’s worst would not have come pushing their filth and distraction, thereby creating the conditions for the displacement and replacement of (already) some two million of the Irish population. Absent the corruption of her journalists, Ireland would have remained herself, would likely have been governed by sane, intelligent and decent people espousing Irish ways and framing Irish laws, so as in time to hit upon a formula by which our people might finally live in the world by their own lights, on their own wits, and in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, as our once magnificent Constitution instructs.
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And check out Stephen Sutton’s powerfully evocative, awesome new song about Ireland, Mother Éiru: