Trailer: ‘The Awakening Soul Of Ireland’
The soul of a sovereign nation is at last beginning to awaken and rise!
Announcing: The Forthcoming movie documentary that tells the story of Ireland’s Resistance to the forces of Satanic darkness that have been assailing her for 47 months, going on several decades, going on 800 years.
Its coming: ‘The Awakening Soul of Ireland.’
Now read on:
A sovereign people stand on the edge of oblivion. The difference between survival and extinction is the sound of a human voice. A voice rising up from the soul of a nation refusing to go gently into that 'good night'. In Éire at this crucial juncture in her history her soul is speaking through the hearts of poets, artists, philosophers and visionaries. The voices emerging are from deep within this mysterious, mystical and magical land. A land where forces are now gathering for a final battle. A battle fought not with bullets and bombs but with words and voices.
As one of those visionaries, John Waters says ‘We have a gargantuan task to keep going but that's all we need to do. We don't need to have a plan because you can't plan this. We have no way of knowing how this going to go. We have to stay the course. Always go back ... don't think the battle is over, don't think your trial has ended. Your trial has never ended.’
And in that spirit we can ‘go back’ to another Irish visionary who once plumbed the depths of what it means to love Ireland and be Irish in order to awaken and inspire the souls for generations to come at the beginning of another infamous battle. And we can take solace from his prophetic words that the evils we face today are no different from the ones they faced then.
"The defenders of this realm have worked well in secret and in the open. They think that they have pacified Ireland. They think that they have purchased half of us and intimidated the other half. They think that they have foreseen everything, think that they have provided against everything; but the fools, the fools, the fools! .... Ireland unfree shall never be at peace." Padraig Pearse, Glasnevin Cemetery August 1915.
‘The Awakening Soul of Ireland’ is a documentary about those words and voices. Those people through whom the soul of a sovereign nation is at last beginning to awaken and rise. We would also like to put a call out to filmmakers across the western world to document your own country’s awakening before it’s too late.
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