The Covid Panicdemic
I have been aware for some time that the Covid scamdemic was pulled off with the aid of a process of mass entrancement perpetrated largely by media, and that this has left many people — a majority, for sure, of most affected populations — terrified and unable to apply logic or reason to what they are able to see with their own eyes. I’m talking more here about people I know — good friends, in some instances — who have become deeply embedded in the deception, not alone unable to extricate themselves from the general terror but actually unwittingly behaving as marshalls of Covid enforcement, scolding people who are not wearing masks, engaging in bizarre public elbow dances on encountering acquaintances, and reacting with embarrassment and suspicion when they meet me, a public dissenter, as though they expect me to whisk them away to a deprogramming centre to have their brains rewired. I have come away from more than a few such encounters fearing that there may be a goodly section of every population that will never awaken to the scam, no matter how much evidence is produced.
These conditions were achieved by weeks, months of persistent, repetitive messaging wrapped up in terror mantras and veiled threats, mainly by people calling themselves journalists, but more accurately dubbed journaliars. It was achieved through the use of subtle and not so subtle use of neuro-linguistic programming and saturation coverage of an almost entirely falsified narrative to effect a form of mass hypnosis, which left only a small minority of Western populations — perhaps 10% — unaffected. How these people escaped indoctrination and entrancement is itself something of a mystery, not to say a miracle. Perhaps, like me, many of them had long since stopped reading, watching or listening to legacy media, thus acquiring immunity to what is actually the true ‘virus’ here: the industrial mendacity of mainstream media.
The Covid ruse is without doubt the most extravagant confidence trick ever perpetrated on human society. It has been astonishing to watch — how easily the politicians were able to sell their message, how relentless were the media in promulgating it, how effectively all dissenting voices were suppressed, marginalised or cancelled. Astonishing — and also terrifying, when you came to see that Covid was no more than a smokescreen to cover the transformation of the economies, societies and legal systems of the hitherto free world into something akin to nascent totalitarianism. Now, finally, it is coming out in fits and bursts: politicians talk of ‘circuit-breakers’ the favoured euphemism for the next lockdown while also shamelessly, the world over, repeating the same franchised slogans to signal the coming destruction of all we have presumed to be ours: ‘Build Back Better’ in the ‘new normal’, which will ‘leave no one behind’. This, translated, means: ‘We shall destroy your livelihoods, your freedoms, your wealth and your relationships to forge a world you will not recognise, and there is no escape.’
Either all this will continue to be met with passivity and come to pass as they threaten, or Covid is about to become a crime scene. There are no other options. It is clear, watching this quite spectacularly amoral generation of politicians sell their countries and peoples down the river that they are not going to stop until they are taken away in Paddy wagons. Perhaps they have been bought off to a sufficient degree to allow them to escape the consequences they appear determined to enforce on the rest of us. Perhaps their amorality in other areas has caught up with them, and their captors have acquired photographic evidence of their degeneracy or corruption. It doesn’t matter: the point is that parliamentary democracy has breathed its last in virtually every country in the Western world, unless we the people do something now.
So far, the rule of law has merely come under suspicion of disappearing down the same plughole as democratic freedoms. It is too early to judge from some of the first rejections of legal challenges to the destruction of everything whether the judicial arms of governments have been nobbled to the same extent. There have been some promising outcomes — Madrid, in recent time, comes to mind, though its judgement appears to have been overruled by the national government. A number of state courts in America have returned half-decent judgements also. I, perhaps optimistically, take this to indicate that, in some jurisdictions, there remain some decent, principled judges, but I also see mounting evidence that the same kind of pressures being applied to politicians and editors are coming down also on the world’s judiciaries. This is likely to mean that any clinging to constitutional niceties will be treated in the manner of an irksome wasp on an October day — yet another mere temporary obstacle to the march of the New World Order.
If I am wrong, and a strong pulse can still be located about the precincts of the courthouses of Europe and America, we are surely looking at perhaps the most monumental public inquiry since the Nuremberg trials of 1945/46. We are talking not merely about reckless negligence with regard to the livelihoods and general economic welfare of entire peoples, but actual crimes against humanity arising from a campaign of mass terror, suspension of basic human rights and suspicions of homicide to at least the level of manslaughter. Those implicated will include not just political leaders and their accomplice advisers, but also media editors, scientists, health tzars, police chiefs and the key broadcasters who became the faces of Covid in their respective countries, some of them adding insult to injury by claiming to have been infected by SARS-CoV-2, a virus yet to be isolated by any scientific process.
As Canadian scientist Professor Denis Rancourt has comprehensively demonstrated, we are talking about the generation of a massive spook resulting in the premature deaths of thousands of elderly people whose health degenerated due to psychological stress in the hothouse atmosphere of ‘care’ homes around the world between March and May 2020. This was a ‘panicdemic’, not a pandemic. It will be for the tribunals to decide if and to whom individual blame may be apportioned for this, and whether the crimes leading to death may be deemed deliberate killing or mere negligence rooted in indifference to the old and ill.
There will be a requirement for special tribunals to deal with the many crimes of the media from the beginning of last March. In this we observed the final capitulation of a once great profession and a once principled industry to political bribery and the crudest market forces, with many media outlets pumping out fear porn on a minute-to-minute basis and some accepting generous bribes of public money from governments determined to destroy the lives of their voters and afterwards send them the bill.
In this dismal episode, the media finally announced their resignation from the role of flying buttress to democracy which journalism has fulfilled for the more than three centuries since the press was named the Fourth Estate by my distinguished countryman Edmund Burke. Realising that there was no longer sufficient profit in telling the truth, media organisations switched business models and began putting out the lies prepared for them by political puppets and the would-be tyrants pullet-masters hiding in the shadows.
We shall need a lot of Paddy wagons, and much jail space. Most of all we shall need good men and women to step forward to fill the spaces left by the criminals under the headings above. Before that, we need to remember that these people are not in authority over us. They are in their positions of power only because we have placed them there, and that is something we can reverse at any moment. This necessary process is not without difficulties and conundrums. Who, for example, will carry out the necessary jobs of collar-feeling, since the commissioners of police and most of their underlings have shown themselves in this period to be tyrannical and corrupt, and will themselves require to be made guests of their respective nations as a matter of extreme urgency? This is not a straightforward matter, but we cannot allow mere logistical difficulties to stand in the way of reclaiming our freedoms and recovering the civilisation we inherited intact but have in late times all but surrendered to already proven enemies of humanity.
It is possible that these matters can all be dealt with through international cooperation between Covid resistance groups. Be that as it may, we owe it to our children, and our children’s children, not to be deterred by comparatively minor problems and, still less, inconsequential niceties, from retrieving immediately their birthright from the hob of Hell.