Invasion of Ireland, Part II: An interview with Michael Yon, by John Waters
‘Man up! We don’t have time for this fag stuff. Let’s call it what it is!’
Time for Hero Stuff
This post is the fulfilment of a promise I made two weeks ago that I would try to interview Michael Yon about a post of his which — unusually, because I rarely put up other peoples’ posts — I reposted here on Unchained. I did so because I believed it to be of the most crucial and urgent importance. Having done so, it seemed to me that I should speak to Michael to get him to elaborate on certain parts of what he was saying, by way of emphasising the gravity and urgency of what faces us.
Michael’s post was devoted to what he described as the planned ‘invasion’ of my country, Ireland, using the enormous battalion of indifferent male aliens, unlawfully brought into our country by our appalling Government, and now residing here, chiefly in camps dotted around the country, albeit anything but randomly, according to Michael. His analysis of our dire situation was based on information gleaned directly on a trip he made to Dublin in 2022, and indirectly from research more recently provided to him by a person with a military background here in Ireland. The picture he painted is bleak indeed: that, as in other parts of the West, the recent influxes of outsiders — mostly males between the ages of 25 and 35 — amounts to a stealth-invasion of our country, with a view to its capture and the eradication and/or replacement of its indigenous population.
In that June 19th video (linked below) he outlined in detail the research he had acquired, which pinpointed a total of 36 military-style encampments in the area of Dublin County, and 293 more in the rest of the Republic, accommodating about 120,000 alien males. He pointed out that the locations of these facilities in the vicinity of Dublin were clearly such as to render it easy to block off the main entry and exit points of the city, with the design of the M50 as a ‘manmade obstacle’ also facilitating the sealing off of the capital from the rest of the country and blocking access and egress.
Michael Yon is in no doubt that the ultimate objective of this operation is the eradication of the Irish race. He emphasises that he is not in a position to say precisely when this might enter its final stages, but he is unambivalent in stating that ‘the day is coming’: ‘We’re clearly going into a bloody war.’
In this interview, conducted on Saturday, July 27th, he elaborates on his fears, which are based on his many years as a soldier and observer of wars and conflict zones.
The post I refer to (see links below) is alarming, but that is why it needed to be seen by as many Irish people as I could make possible. This interview is no less so, but I believe these are possibilities we must face with courage. Too much its at stake here to give way to hoping that none of this might come to pass. If Michael is right, then we need to prepare ourselves against what is coming; if he is mistaken, then we can count ourselves luckier than our inattention and timidness have caused us to deserve.
Michael Yon bio
Michael Yon is American military veteran, campaigner and journalist. He is a former member of the special operation forces of the US army, otherwise known as the ‘Green Berets’. At age 19, he successfully completed his Green Beret training, and his subsequent experience in this regiment taught him the art of observing and surviving in the most dangerous environments on earth. In the mid-1990s, he became a writer, photographer and investigator, and has for many years provided detailed reconnaissance from the front lines of global conflicts all over the world. Combining his skills as writer and photographer, and with the encouragement of fellow veterans, Michael began his career as a war correspondent by travelling to Iraq in December, 2004. He has since, on numerous occasions, been embedded with American and British troops in Iraq, initially in a deployment with the 1st Battalion, 24th Infantry Regiment of the 25th Infantry Division, in Mosul, which ended in September, 2005. He went on to cover some of the world's most complex conflicts and war zones, travelling to more than 80 countries, including China, India, Bhutan and Vietnam. Most recently, he's been in South America covering the massive influx of migrants into the United States via the Darién Gap, an until recently unreported path for illegal immigration into America.
Selected quotes from the interview:
‘The most dangerous thing that we can do is doing what we’re doing right now, This is far more dangerous than being a soldier. Far more. I mean, people like us . . . this is it! This is front lines. This is thoroughly breaching the wire, right here. And they are watching of course — there’s no way of talking to a lot of people without talking to them!’
‘The global depopulation — and I think they’re gonna pull it off, at this point — and they say it! — anyone who calls that conspiracy at this late stage of the game must have just woke up after sleeping under a tree for thirty years. Because they say it. They write it. They’re clearly taking actions to do it.’
‘If we’re gonna fight evil, we’ve go to define what it is. Let’s actually define it, because it’s obviously amorphous. Right? But over time I’ve come to the realisation that it is something real. But how do we get our heads around it to fight it? As I was growing up I thought that evil is not actually a real thing, that it’s just a set of behaviours that describe evil. But at some point I was like, “There’s a package of evil! It’s like a virus — it can spread”.’
‘The plan is to use black people in America to kill white people. And then they will kill the black people. So they have zero use for black people. They don’t have any use for black Americans.’
“They want to depopulate the world and make the world one big park!’
‘Evil does exist, and evil men do exist. An unfortunately, the evil ones have consolidates their power over time, and they’ve infiltrated a vast amount of government institutions all over the world, including so-called elected officials. And they’ve been quite successful, and now they’re in a position to do what they want.’
‘When you’re recruiting people to do operations like this, in the government or that sort of thing, there’’s an acronym “MICE”. Money, ideology, coercion and ego — those are the four main cheeses of MICE. So, when you’re recruiting people, or coercing people, some people fall for money, they’ll do anything for money; some people you’ll have to persuade them with some ideology, or it’s already there and you’re just amplifying that. and another one is coercion, ike Epstein Island, right?; and the other one is just ego — “I’ll do anything for power”.’
‘In any of the places I go to, I don’t see a sufficient number of people manning up. One of the most dangerous things that you can do is what we’re doing right now: talking publicly. That’ll certainly get you killed, as things unfold.’
‘One of the things that I learned in my study of cults is that you’ll never see the cult that you’re in. You’ll see everyone’s else’s cult, but not your own.’ ‘
‘Everybody wants to be a hero until it’s time to do hero stuff! Well, it’s time to do hero stuff, because you either fight or you’re gonna die. Or you’re gonna flee somewhere, but where are you gonna go to? And they’ll probably get you there too! Where are you gonna go? Where are you really gonna go?’
Click here to access the conversation
(In this recording, Michael was in Japan and I in Sligo, which may explain some of the technical glitches with the video element, including a couple of rather lengthy eclipses of Michael’s face, but the audio remains intact throughout.)
Click here for Michael Yon’s original Twitter post of June 19th
Click here for my Substack post of July 14th
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