Interview: Dr Paul Cullen, on the state of things in Europe and America
‘We can’t compare Trump against perfection. We have to compare him against the alternative.' — Dr Paul Cullen
‘Trust and Verify’
‘I am fundamentally optimistic. What I try to focus my mind on is: what do we want the new world to look like? Because the old world is finished. The money systems are finished. The institutions are finished. They’re depleted. The Church is finished — it’s beyond reform. All of these institutions . . . The justice system is beyond reform. The media is BEYOND beyond reform.’
— Dr Paul Cullen
I’m very delighted to welcome back on my podcast — which now moves to a new home on Gerry O’Neill’s ‘The Scholar Gypsies’ channel on YouTube — Dr Paul Cullen, with whom I had a most interesting conversation late last year.
One of the things I like about Dr Cullen, an Irishman who has been questioning and fighting the Covid tyranny in Germany for the past five years, is that he is positive but in a thoughtful and logical rather than Pollyanna way, believing that hope is not merely possible but actually reasonable. In this interview, he sets out his hopeful outlook on reality, which is based on faith, though not on blind faith, and on the principle of ‘trust and verify’.
Here we speak about the current state of Ireland, Germany and Europe more generally, and also about the moment we have arrived to in the wake of the November 2024 US presidential election, and the return of Donald Trump as — this time — the 47th President of the United States, and the forthcoming second conference of Jordan Peterson’s ARC movement happening in London this very week.
Biography, Dr Paul Cullen
Paul was born in Dublin in 1960. He grew up in Rathfarnham, attending De La Salle primary school and the Christian Brothers at secondary level, before going on to study medicine at UCD.
In 1984 he moved to Germany to work as a doctor, returned to Ireland to work for a brief period from 1987, and in 1989 moved to London for a three-year stint of research at Hammersmith Hospital. He completed his Masters in biochemistry and molecular biology at King’s College London, before returning to Germany, where he still works as a lecturer at Muenster University.
Dr Cullen has published some 250 scientific papers and several books. He has been a medical doctor for 40 years, specialising in internal and laboratory medicine, including a period managing a major diagnostics lab.
He has been, since mid-2020, a high-visibility critic of all things Covid, being active in a group of about 100 critical academics (mostly university professors) in Germany. He was successful in publishing or co-publishing approximately 20 Covid-critical articles in the German press, about half in the mainstream and half in alternative outlets. In 2021, an interview with Paul on YouTube attracted more than 1.3 Million views before being removed by an act of censorship. That video has since received some 300,000 further views on reloads to Odyssey and Rumble. His more recent video on DNA contamination in Covid ‘vaccinations’ is currently registering more than 400,000 views.
Paul regularly features in German media as a commentator (online, print, video, and online radio), most consistently in respect of the anti-human agenda: transhumanism, genetic engineering, neo-eugenics, bio- and reproductive medicine, cloning, climate scares, et cetera.
He is also the Head of Doctors for Life and a board member of the Federal Association of Right-to-Life Organisations
In 2021, he was the victim of a vicious but ultimately unsuccessful cancel campaign at his university, spearheaded by local Antifa activists, attracting local, national and some international reporting.
Paul is married and the father of two children — a daughter (aged 23) and a son (aged14).
Books/articles arising in or relating to the conversation:
1. The Fourth Turning (1997) by William Strauss and Neil Howe
2. A fairly good description of the generational theory of Strauss and Howe in this Wikipedia article:
3. A similar cyclical theory proposed 200 years earlier by the Scottish economist Alexander Tytler and outlined in this article on Doug Casey’s contrarian blog:
4. Homo Deus (2017) and Nexus (2024) by Yuval Noah Harari
5. This description of the ‘Panopticon’, proposed in around 1790 by the British utilitarian philosopher Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832):
6. Scéal faoi Sitric Ó Sánasa as An Béal Bocht (1941) ó Myles Na gCopaleen (1911-1966):
7. La Defaite de L’Occident (2024) by French historian Emmanuel Todd on the nihilism of the West, showing that the current crisis is one of the soul, not of the world.
8. Factfulness (2017) by the late Swedish Epidemiologist Hans Rosling (1947-2017) on why there is nevertheless good reason to be optimistic about the future:
(The last two books were not referenced by name in the interview, but both made a big impression on Dr Paul and touch on the subjects discussed.)
‘The Marxists say — scientific realism — [history] is governed by these unseen forces. I don’t think that’s true. I think history is done by people. Historical events are created by individuals in key positions. . . . The population of the world is eight billion, so in statistical terms — there have only been about thirty billion people ever, and about a quarter of them are alive right now at this moment. So, purely in statistical terms, there’s a Beethoven running around somewhere. There’s an Albert Einstein somewhere. There’s a Mozart. These people have always been few in number. When Christ was on the Earth, there were probably maybe fifty million people in the whole world. But there are eight billion of us now!’
‘I’m not that well-known in that sense, but I am a person of interest here in Germany. I work off the assumption that they record everything I say. But I have decided I don’t care what they say. And what we’re seeing is that the magic potion isn’t working anymore. . . . So this is why I have the picture of Donald Trump here. I’ve made a conscious decision not to give a . . . not to care!! I was about to say a bad word there! . . . not to care what they say about me, because they’re going to say it anyway. And they’re going to say it whether you do it or not. Even if they can’t find anything, they’re going to make something up, because the media now are just constructed reality.’
‘I’m a Christian believer, and I believe in the goodness of people and so on. And I think it’s wrong, actually, to despair like that.’
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