Bonus Content: The Masonic Inferno
‘The view is that we created the virus and we are part of the new world order and we have to be stopped. It’s ridiculous stuff.’
The extract from my weekly Diary reproduced below contains strong prima facie evidence that an event reported by the Irish media on New Year's Eve/New Year’s Day was nothing like what we were told — that it was, in fact, an attempt by the Irish police (an Garda Siochána/'the Gestapo') to felon-set as domestic terrorists a section of the population that opposes dangerous, experimental non-vaccines. As this suggests, it is the authorities, using media as a conduit of constant propaganda, that represent a radical threat to Irish democracy and the rule of law.
That was a remarkable incident at the Masonic building in Molesworth Street, one of those crimes which the Gestapo not only ‘solves’ on the spot but is in a position to reveal everything about within hours without any expenditure of sweat or shoe leather. No need for witnesses, statements, evidence, or any of that nonsense.
‘Man injured in fire at Freemasons' lodge in Dublin,’ announced an early RTÉ online report, further confiding that ‘The cause of the fire is not yet known but it is understood one line of inquiry is that it may have been started deliberately.’
That sounds like a multiple-choice answer: (a) ‘cause unknown’, or (b) ‘started deliberately’? Write on both sides of the paper.
The reference to the injured man was contained in the first paragaph, but not elaborated on elsewhere in the report, which went on to reveal that a fire had broken out at the Freemason’s Grand Lodge at ‘around 5.20pm’ on Friday, New Year’s Eve. Not ‘about 5pm’, mind you, not ‘6ish’, not even 5.30pm, but ‘around 5.20pm’, which is pretty precise. That report went on to relay information clearly obtained from Dublin Fire Brigade, including that a 999 call was received by the Eastern Regional Control Centre ‘at 5.40pm.’ Three fire appliances, a turntable ladder, district officer and ambulance were dispatched to the scene.
The report continued: ‘Firefighters using breathing apparatus fought the fire containing the fire damage to one room. The fire was extinguished shortly after 6pm.
‘A source at Dublin Fire Brigade told RTÉ: "The fire fighters did a good job stopping the spread but there was some damage done to the building all the same.’ (The report was certified as ‘updated at 20.27’.)
The fire station at Eastern Regional Control Centre is located at Townsend Street, so it would have taken the fire crews something between five and ten minutes to mobilise and get to the scene. Let’s say they reached the room where the fire was around 5.50, and put it out by 6.10. That seems to fit with the idea that the fire was confined to a single room and also suggests that it was not much of a fire, which would correspond to the idea of ‘some damage’.
But where, then, does RTÉ’s 5.20pm timeline come from? Where does ‘parts of the building have been badly damaged in the blaze' come from?
The following day, the Irish Crimes was reporting that ‘Anti-vaccination graffiti has been found on the pavement outside the Freemason’s Grand Lodge in Dublin.’
The headline on the report was, ‘Anti-vaccination graffiti found after suspected arson at Masonic Hall,’ with the sub-heading: ‘Freemasons say they have been previously targeted by “ridiculous” campaign.’ This report was accompanied by a very poor photograph of the alleged graffiti, taken by the author, the intrepid Ronan McGreevy (see main picture). The writing appeared to be painted or chalked on to the pavement directly outside the steps of the Freemason’s Lodge, but — being shot from an acute angle — was illegible to the reader. No account of the text of the graffiti was given, other than: ‘The graffiti is understood to be reference (sic) to mRNA, the technology used in some Covid-19 vaccines.’ Surely, if the reporter had taken a photograph of the graffiti he should be able to state more precisely what it said? Why not either picture the graffiti directly from above or supply the reader with a precise text? The report also stated that the man allegedly injured in the incident ‘fell from the window into the basement’ and ‘was taken to St James’ Hospital with spinal injuries.’
The colour blue also featured in an interview contained within the report with the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Ireland, Philip Daley, who described the attack as ‘very serious’ and ‘completely out of the blue.’ However, he said there had been previous demonstrations outside the hall and other Masonic halls in Ireland by ‘anti-vaccination campaigners.’
‘The view is that we created the virus and we are part of the new world order and we have to be stopped. It’s ridiculous stuff,’ he said.
Ridiculous is the word. Mr Daley was not quoted on the identity of the personages he was alluding to, but I doubt if anyone has picketed the Freemason’s Grand Lodge in Dublin claiming that the occupants ‘created the virus’. Whether the Freemasons globally are ‘part of the NWO’ is a different matter, on which Mr Daley may not be well informed, or counting on his audience not to be. (I understand things are handled within the complex rankings of the Masons on a need-to-know basis.)
Then things got confusing. The report stated that: ‘Witnesses said a man was seen climbing through a broken window into the front room of the building which contains the lodge’s library at about 5.20pm.’ But it also stated: ‘Buswell’s manager Paul Gallagher said one of his staff heard a window break and went outside to see a man go through the window. The staff member rang 999 and the fire brigade arrived quickly on the scene.’ The staff member is not identified in the report.
This is most odd. Presumably, then, the staff member heard glass breaking, went outside, saw a man go in a window on the Lodge, and rang 999 and asked to be put through to the fire brigade? How did he know what the intruder’s intention was?
That would mean that the fire brigade was alerted before or around the time the fire was started, not 20 minutes later as the 5.20pm timeline suggests, which would mean that the break-in had not occurred until coming up to 5.40pm, and the fire set off presumably a short time (a minimum of five minutes, one would imagine) afterwards. And, by the way, why did the Buswell’s staff member not try to intercept the intruder or frighten him away?
These timelines would suggest that, had the fire crews arrived around 5.50pm as seems approximately the case from other indicators, the fire would by then have been in train for something like ten minutes. It would be less surprising, then, if the fire crews were to have extinguished the blaze ‘shortly after 6pm’, and if the damage could be summarised with the word ‘some’.
Let’s get this straight. Firstly, the Buswell’s staff member saw a man breaking in through a window and immediately conjectured that he intended to set the place on fire and, instead of trying to intercept him, called the emergency services on 999, conveying that someone was about to start a fire at the Freemason’s Lodge. Perhaps the intruder was carrying a large box of matches or a flaming torch? The fire brigade, then — according to the Irish Crimes, at least — was alerted at around the time the fire was started, at the latest. Within 15 minutes or so, the fire was extinguished. Phew! If, on the other hand, the Buswell’s staff member saw the man entering the window of the building at 5.20pm, why did it take him 20 minutes to call the emergency services? What was happening between 5.20pm and 5.40pm, when the phone call was received by the emergency services?
The possibility of clarity is offered by a Twitter thread with photographs in the name of Paul Gallagher, ‘General manager @buswellshotel Hotel’, at 5:50 PM · Dec 31, 2021 from Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown, Ireland.’

This tweet is reproduced in the Irish Crimes report, minus the location and timeline.
It appears that Mr Gallagher was not at the hotel when this incident occurred, and was tweeting photographs sent to him, possibly by the ‘staff member’ who had raised the alarm. All the photographs relate to the fire; there are none of the break-in. Two of the photographs show what might be a Christmas tree on fire in a downstairs room of the Freemasons’ Lodge. Another shows several fire engines arriving at the scene. It is remarkable that these photographs appear to have been posted just ten minutes after the time Mr Gallagher gave to the Irish Crimes as the time his staff member saw someone climbing in a window of the Masonic building. It seems odd that the staff member who had sounded the alarm would immediately start sending photographs of the scene to his boss ten miles away.
At 5.53, Mr Gallagher tweeted: Quick thinking staff at @BuswellsHotel prevented a massive fire by alerting the gardai and fire brigade within minutes of the fire starting. 5:53 PM · Dec 31, 2021.
These apparent incongruencies within the Irish Crimes report may be accounted for under sloppy reporting, but the whole thing remains odd on many levels.
It is strange — is it not? — that a would-be arsonist, at 5.20pm on New Year’s Eve, in the centre of Dublin, breaks into a building within the eyeline of a 24-hoour Gestapo post at the gates of Leinster House — the Irish Crimes says 200m away from Leinster House; I would say 50 metres away from its gate — and directly across the road from a large and busy hotel. What might have been the arsonist’s plan for exiting the building? Was the suspect interviewed or charged? It is also odd that a would-be arsonist would pause before breaking into a building — by a front window on a busy street — to leave a written account of his motivation on the footpath outside. Remarkable also are the timelines: arsonist spotted even before he sets to work; fire brigade alerted and at the scene within minutes.
What jumps out of this incident is that its handling — leaving aside the confusing and contradictory eyewitness evidence and timelines — appears to be entirely directed at creating a media story. It’s quite clear, for example, that the ‘evidence’ of the graffiti on the footpath is now entirely inadmissible as such, since its publication has prejudiced the possibility of a fair trial for the accused person — should he ever be brought before a court, which I doubt. Incidentally, a video of the scene from the night of the fire does not indicate the presence of any graffiti (see photograph still immediately above). Nor is there any sign of an attempt to safeguard this evidence while the fire is being extingushed.
It goes without saying that this is not the way a serious police force investigates real crimes. The true crime here, I would say, is a much more complex and quite different one than that reported by the Irish Crimes. It is an attempt to smear and scapegoat a tiny minority which continues to stand up to this ‘vaccine’ tyranny, which is killing people at an unprecedented rate.
This was an attempt by the state’s police force to falsely set up innocent citizens as domestic terrorists, so they could be discriminated against and abused with impunity. It cannot even be called ‘political policing’ — it’s actually a criminal misuse of state power in an attempt to demonise those who seek to raise legitimate questions about extremely dangerous medicines being forced upon the public.
It is also, in a word, puerility: treating members of the public as if they were total morons, which in fairness not all of them are.