Beware the Ides of March, Part II
'How can you buy or sell the sky, the warmth of the land? This idea is strange to us. If we do not own the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them?' — Chief Seattle
The Ledger of Everything
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Pragmatism and moderation are two of the essential virtues of democracy. If we think of the ‘power-source’ of our civilisation as having been, in some slim sense, ‘democratic,’ then we may imagine a three-pronged plug ('liberty, equality, fraternity’, haha!) connected via a thick cable, plugged into the psychic vibration of the People as the source of its energy. It seems probable now that this was largely a pretence, if not an illusion, though for a long time — perhaps all our lives, until the Ides of March 2020 — we believed in it, after a fashion, while drily regarding it as the ‘second best’ system of government, the ‘best’ having for ever remained elusive. Notwithstanding our occasional disgruntlement and scepticism concerning this arrangement of our collective affairs, we continued to pay it both loyalty and tribute, always mindful that the jungle lay behind, where dark monsters with names like ‘fascism,’ ‘totalitarianism,’ and ‘neo-feudalism’ lurked menacingly and patiently, ever-ready to re-emerge. Actually, no: We didn’t really think like that; on the contrary, we thought of ourselves as having acquired immunity to such resurrections, not least because the levels of ‘education’ and connectivity suffusing our societies were such as to make us hyper-aware of such phenomena as having occurred previously through history, and of (we imagined) the reasons why, and, in many cases, we imagined ourselves ‘expert’ in them, and in the reasons they could not possibly happen again.
Not only were we, as a People (as Peoples everywhere in the West), so hyper-aware of these histories as to imagine ourselves to have ‘evolved’ beyond them, but the theoretical locus of the hypothetical threat had become so ‘civilised’ that it no longer counted as such.
In the past, the threats had arisen from external invasion, or the ambitions of the rich and powerful within, especially when they went to war, one against another. But now, we in the West felt protected by our big, strong Sugar-Daddy, the US of A, and the risk of such an intrusion was non-existent and laughable. As for the possibility of an internal eruption of predatory ambition — from the wealthy and powerful within — this idea was so preposterous that it never occurred to anyone. The rich were now our benefactors! They were altruists and philanthropists, who valued democratic freedoms even more than did we, the not-so-rich and the poor, if only because these were the source of their continued good fortune. Indeed, we imagined, the capitalist system was part of the infrastructure of freedom! Did we not call its engine ‘the free market’? We might — as ‘socialists,’ ‘rebels,’ ‘hippies,’or ‘counter-culturalists,’ rail against the dominion of ‘The Man,’ or make occasional disparaging remarks about ‘capitalist pigs,’ but we — and they — understood that this was pure theatre, all huff and bluster. ‘The Man’ had been tamed, long since, and was now ‘one of us,’ albeit richer (by far), narrower of outlook than ever, fixated on accumulation rather than contemplation, and convinced of consumption above all. In truth, we imagined, The Man was too busy coining it to be bothered with controlling or even gaming the ‘system.’ He shared our values, more or less, albeit at a more concentrated level of material engagement. Capitalism had become not merely benign, but essential to the common weal — the well-being of all. Indeed, in the wake of the collapse of the Berlin Wall, it had become the only show in town. The Punch-and-Judy theatre of Left-Right politics continued, of course — down with this or that, and ‘equality for all!’, and very occasionally, ‘let’s soak the rich!’, but it was all in good temper and in the best possible taste. What once had been a class war seemed to have turned into a sort of game, in which the sides parried and feinted in good-humoured fashion — by way, perhaps, of preserving or safeguarding cultural mnemonics that, really, nobody seriously considered any longer necessary. History had ended, after all — hadn’t some smart Yankee-Jap written a book that said so?
Then, one day in or around the Ides of March 2020, we awoke to find the whole thing had flipped overnight. It was as though someone had pulled out the three-pronged plug that linked the power cable of civilisation to the socket labelled ‘the People’, and plugged it into the jack marked ‘Money talks.’ The entire grid had been inverted — back to what it had been before the advent of this famous era of ‘democracy,’ but with not as much as a ping! becoming audible above the admonitions to ‘Stay home, stay safe!’ and ‘Let’s leave no one behind!’
The stranger thing was that, even yet, four years on and counting, and judging by the collective conversation, almost no one understands that this is what occurred. Like someone flipped an egg-timer in the middle of the night, the configuration of demonstrable power inverted itself and seemed to start up again in a different gear, and from a new point of departure, without anyone but the odd remote crank noticing or describing it in such terms. The hourglass was inverted so the power had swung to the top — contrary to every former instinct of the guardians and custodians of the system — and the thin grains of an unmistakably unfamiliar dispensation had commenced their (New World) ordered spillage into the neck of the future. Perhaps, by the time the word went out of anything happening at all, the sand had already completed its flow into the lower chamber, which was now full and waiting to be flipped again to cue the beginning of a whole new epoch? If so, no one had issued any warning or instruction concerning this moment, nor was there any evidence of an understanding of its — as it were — moment. No germane commentary preceded or accompanied it. No great puzzlement was expressed as to how it could even be possible. Any notice that was taken of something untoward was almost filed under headings relating to the pretext, which was, we were assured, health-related. And, indeed, if seismic changes were afoot, then clearly it was because they were inevitable — the march of progress. No one spoke of a natural ebb of civilisations, to be perceived in the grain of history, from times of freedom to times of its antithesis. This was unthinkable, and therefore unthought, and, in any event, no existing single human being had lived long enough to be aware of this danger other than as a theory.
All that being as it might, as we now begin to observe from all the visible signs and from the demeanours of various actors — politicians, scribes, philanthropists, economic theorists — it appears that, at normative rates of flow, it might well take half a century for the sand to complete another cycle, for this new era to play itself out, and for its driving force, whatever that may be like, to weaken or recede. As far as we know — which, realistically, we cannot.
Thus it was that, in a private ceremony, in or around the Ides of March 2020, a new king was crowned in secret. His name, as already intimated, was Laurence the 1st, of the family Fink, of the principality of BlackRock. With little or no notice to the implicated public, he came to the top of the stairs and looked down. No one looked up, but King Larry stood there anyway, in his cockaded robe and golden crown, gazing down upon his people — the new, and this time literal, ‘Master of the Universe.’
For those few bystanders who noticed, what appeared to have happened was inconceivable, and therefore could not conceivably be true. And yet, the elements within the system that ensured its operation and defences had all, as though instantaneously, jettisoned their prior functioning and logic and started to operate as if the new dispensation had been in place from some long-ago beginning. The political puppeticians and apparatchiks — long since having handed over all claims to actual leadership — immediately began ostentatiously to serve the new master. The judges on the benches slipped from implementing the rule of law to implementing the will of Emperor Larry. The police went out to enforce the new Kingdom of BlackRock diktats, with no absence of gusto. The scribes began to describe the new world as though it had always existed in this form, or as if anything that seemed to be amiss was in fact an improvement. In their spare moments, the scribes turned to attack those who continued to speak of the ‘old days’ of 2019 and before.
While this was happening, nobody from among the conventional custodians of democracy and freedom spoke out. The ‘liberals' were silent. The ‘civil libertarians’ were preoccupied with quotidian matters, such as cashing the cheques from the Open Society Foundation. The human rights lawyers were on leave, having been paid in advance for an unscheduled vacation from their vocations.
Of course, the coup (for such it was) was not advertised in these terms. There was a ‘health emergency,’ arising from a ‘deadly disease.’ The platforms of public discourse were suddenly crammed with sundry experts, none exhibiting signs of undue poverty, or indeed ill-health, who drew the collective conversation away from mere bagatelles like rights and freedoms, now suddenly deemed to be luxuries in the times that were said to be in it. The ‘Emergency’ was on everyone’s lips, and virtually all agreed that its management was such a priority as to render talk of lost liberty a dangerous indulgence that might properly and wisely be postponed to a less troubled and threat-filled future day.
In a certain acoustic, it seemed that, at the crucial moment, almost all the watchdogs of freedom developed a sudden condition of contagious lockjaw. Only the mavericks, waifs and strays had anything to say, and why would anyone listen to them? Those who did were cattle-prodded using the spell-words issued in the form of a list in a separate communication from Emperor Larry’s palace:
Multiple explanations have been essayed for this sudden and virtually universal capitulation. In this or that instance, it has been mooted that perhaps no one had properly understood what was afoot. Fear might have been a significant factor — but fear of what? Fear of consequences, perhaps? But consequences of what? The entire edifice of the — as now we may call it — conspiracy seemed to be sustained by an internal compact of omertá. In the greasing of this there were, undoubtedly, inducements — the benefits of limitless ‘free’ money, now becoming available as the star of Western civilisation plunged towards its supernova. But there were other motivators also: the risk that, by not playing along, any particular actor might become the scapegoat of what was, after all, the Most Heinous Crime in All History. What was being brought in to land was no less than a history encompassing multiple decades of plunder. And the most important thing about the handling of this landing was that the word ‘crime’ not pass the lips of anyone who had the remotest chance of being taken seriously. It was no less than wise to be afraid — to play along rather than rock the rocket ship.
As regards the political class, the supposed custodians of the democratic structure and values being usurped and bypassed, in the more benign hypotheses it was decided that, by adopting the correct demeanour of acquiescence, this phase might pass quickly, and democratic rule be restored within a reasonable time. But, as time passed and this did not appear to be a pressing matter for those now fronting-up for the new Regime, the response of the People themselves was neither chagrin nor agitation, but silent acquiescence, as though something had been wordlessly understood about the permanence of what had occurred. Or, perhaps it was something as crude as the primary rule of human intercourse as conveyed by our old friend, Deep Throat, in that underground car park: Follow the Money? There was the fake money, of course, the furlough schemes and the Pandemic Unemployment Payment, and the usual bribes and inducements, albeit more generous than was customary. The People, too, had been bribed and intimidated, and therefore induced into a mindset of self- or mutual policing.
The bottom line was, as usual, all that mattered, and the bottom line declared that Emperor Larry was the new boss who, contrary to the assertion of the bumper sticker, was not in the least like the old boss. Everything relating to the nature and structure of democratic society that had persisted in human culture up to the Ides of March 2020 had been history-binned, as though someone had tipped that unseen sand-timer and set our civilisation back to more or less the moral point at which it had begun, many centuries before. Something had happened in the world that rendered the old arrangement — whereby the People were the arbiters and architects of their own affairs — as though now an unfathomable and distant recourse, perhaps no more than a rumour of some odd predilection of some ancient, extinct tribe, and no longer worthy of defence or advocacy by right-thinking people. As King Larry put it: Democracy was no longer a ‘fit’ for the kind of capitalism that was necessary going forward — ‘totalitarianism is better!’ Almost everyone nodded in a mature fashion. Very soon it became implicit in everything — in the tone of the media, in the visages of the puppeticians, in the acquiescence of the executive and legislative branches of governments, in the twisted, evasive subtexts of the judicial marionettes — that not only the political power, but the liberties and rights of the People also, had been rendered forfeit. Democracy had been ended without announcement. The new Power was naked in every way, not least in its intentions and its clarity of purpose, but there was not even the occasional little boy willing to step up and say so. The constitutions, charters and conventions of the former Free World had been ‘suspended’ as though instanter and sine die, and replaced with an unspoken though implicit new maxim: Money talks; bullshit walks. To those who saw, with the eyes they had used before, the monsters confronting them from behind what looked like the masks of vaguely familiar idiot faces had no precedence except in stories of ancient, remorseless invaders, and incongruous but compelling tableaux of rationally implausible comparison. In any event, such observers were few. The sovereign citizen had died suddenly in his sleep, awakening, Lazurus-like, with a new cry upon his lips: Long live the King! Long live the King’s money! The advent of neo-feudalism had been announced with an absence of abashment, and little or no protest. The inversion of Western civilisation, the word went quietly out, was to be regarded as a new form of progress, which only the most loathsome of reactionaries might oppose.
An ebook was published in the middle of last year which describes this crime in explicit detail, outlining not merely its nature but its method and its brazenness. The book is The Great Taking, by David Rogers Webb — an American investment banker, hedge fund manager and financial analyst. Webb delves into what I have been calling The Most Heinous Crime In History, i.e, the ongoing project to impoverish the vast swathes of humanity by transferring their assets to the clients of Mr. Larry Fink.
Essentially, The Great Taking (click here for PDF version) is a forensic diagnosis of the current actual financial state of the West — and, implicitly, beyond that, of the whole world — underneath the spin and pretence and lies spun by politicians, bankers and the setaside media. The roulette table which has been at the centre of our financial affairs for more than half a century is creaking under the weight of the multiplicities of bets usurping a decrementally dwarfing store of collateral used to justify the creation of more and more debt which exists in loops within loops to the point of untrackability. This Ponzi edifice is about to come down, bringing to an end the five-decade three-card-trick that has enabled several generations of pseudo-entrepreneurs to move from asset millionaires to paper trillionaires, without adding a soupçon of benefit to human circumstances, by doing nothing for human society except strangle it in debt and use this debt to transfer its actual wealth from the citizenry to themselves.
As you may observe on reading the book, it deals in pretty dense material, but the general picture is not hard to grasp. Those who were paying attention during the crash of 2008 and its aftermath will surely have a shrewd sense that the people who control the Ponzi scheme are not the types to shrug off losses, and all the less so when they stand to lose pretty much everything they believed themselves to be ‘worth.’ Instead, they have decided that, since they have come this far, there is no good reason why they should not hoover up everything. This, to all intents and purposes, is to be the final divvy-up.
It need hardly be said that their ‘wealth’ is entirely bogus, being the payoff of a series of multiplicatory tricks in which assets are given different euphemistic names to enable them be switched, shuffled, swapped and cut like an oily deck in the hands of a skilled shark. It is important to understand and re-emphasise that this predator class has contributed nothing to the well-being of humanity or human society — ever. This has nothing to do with what we speak and think of as economics. They are thieves, essentially, who have used power, connections, graft, access to the levers of fiat currencies, and the rigging of every deal, to multiply paper assets which, in a sane and decent world, would long since have been declared worthless. They deserve to be stripped of every bogus cent of their ‘wealth.’ Instead, it is the human population that stands to be impoverished, to be plundered of the actual collateral that sits diminishingly at the bottom of this dungheap. What is collapsing is not the world, but this bogus house of cards, constructed to enable the accrual of paper wealth to this predator class as we approach the end of the span of time (53 years to date) when the bogroll-in-waiting currencies of the West could still be exchanged for real assets. Now, as the value of currencies begins to slide towards oblivion, they seek to cash-in everything in final exchange for the collateral that amounts to, in effect, everything still worth owning. Those who have inhabited the economy of work and produce, measure and reward, will be stripped of everything they had imagined themselves to be working for all their lives; the three-card-tricksters will inherit ownership of the whole of the Earth.
They have prepared the way by nobbling the political, media and legal systems of multiple countries, to ensure that their claims will override all others. The details of this, though likely to seem arcane and labyrinthine to the layman, are important to gaining an overall sense of the patience and preparation that has been invested in this crime of all crimes.
David Rogers Webb explains in immense and precise detail what is intended to happen: the human race is set to lose; the predator class is set to win — (unless, unless, unless . . . ! — and we are running short of unlesses!) Those who hold the chips, and are determined not to lose them, have already rigged the game — legally speaking, above all — to ensure that when the star blows and the house of cards comes tumbling down, it is the actual owners of the collateral at the heart of the subterfuge who will lose everything. A ‘protected class’ of secured creditors will have prior claims over all others, including those who imagine themselves to be the owners of the collateral that has been misused in this corrupt system. What is planned is a kind of Mother Of All Ex Nihilo Transubstantiations, by which all forms of property rights have, de facto, de jure and in secret, already been abolished in every jurisdiction in the world, so that every piece of collateral that falls within the purview of the banking system is forfeit to the ‘higher’ interest of the liquidity of particular banks, and the solvency of their premier customers.
Essentially, the things we think we own are ours only for as long as ‘they’ — the predators — permit us to believe so. Even though you have paid for the property you believe to be yours, the bankruptcy of the bank to which you have entrusted that asset to secure a loan will ensure that its value transfers to others who have established a stronger claim than yours by virtue of being in the know and in the right bank.
David Rogers Webb elaborates:
And they have now established legal certainty that they have absolute power to take it immediately in the event of insolvency, and not your insolvency, but insolvency of the people who secretly gave them your property as collateral. It does not seem possible. But this is exactly what has been done with all tradable financial instruments, globally! The proof of this is absolutely irrefutable. This is wired to go now.
A useful way of seeing the final divvy-up might be that the spoils being divided at the roulette table will no longer be the chips, but the real, three dimensional assets — properties, cash, shares, bonds, et cetera — that have been left lying around as bedrock collateral, largely ignored while the ‘game’ was the promulgation of digits —in other words, the time is approaching when what will be traded will not be chips or chits, but the actual wealth of the world.
To a mere murmur of commentary, the past half century has seen the debt quotient in the global economy expand from approximate equivalence with aggregate GDP to a level more than 20 times the capacity of human society to pay its way as it goes. This bizarre circumstance remained either unremarked or, when occasionally mentioned, was deemed an inevitable and unworrying aspect of ‘modern’ economics. All that really meant was that the Day of Judgement was being postponed, but now it is arriving.
And so, the plan goes, the heist will be achieved by liquidating all the smaller banks, and ‘burning’ all their account holders, to the benefit of a handful of bigger banks, where the pseudo-wealth of the FEW will be augmented and protected. This time around, banks will be closed rather than nationalised. Instead of bail-outs, there will be bail-ins, in which some or all of the cash assets of depositors will be confiscated. Gold and silver deposits, too, may be subject to seizure, and those who refuse to hand these over liable to imprisonment. Only the ‘protected classes’ of secured creditors will retain their wealth, and they will retain as much as possible of what the chits say is theirs.
After what David Rogers Webb calls the ‘Everything Crash’ that follows inevitably on the heels of the ‘Everything Bubble’, there will be nothing left of what we consider ‘our’ property. And, not only will there be nothing left, but as I have emphasised several times in the past year or so, even after accounting for every blade of grass, every grain of sand, and every drop of rainwater in our countries, the paper value will come nowhere close to the sums that are owed to the clients of Larry Fink, the Emperor of the Whole World and Everything In It (nominally, at least, but also de jure). In this Ledger of Everything, we will all remain burdened by debt, but in a sense this will be academic because the predators will by then own anything of any value — including the whisper of the wind and the ripple on the stream — and will be ready to start off their ‘game’ again once another financial system is launched — by all accounts by means of a global Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDCs), using programmable digital ‘money,’ social credit scores and universal basic income (UBI), 15-minute cities, pods, surveillance and delivery drones, and bug sandwiches for lunch. This time, we, the former People, will be — at best — spectators, but mostly we will be the newly-indentured serfs, that Friedrich Hayek feared we might one day become.
As The Big Taking ‘went to press,’ less than a year ago, central banks in 114 countries representing 95 per cent of the global economy were working on CBDCs, with all G7 economies and 18 of the G20 countries having arrived at an advanced stage of preparation. Through this system, the losers under the old dispensation will be ‘compensated’ on a take-it-or-leave-it basis, with UBI, starting with token lump sums being lodged to their digital accounts to get them up and running with a currency that will be programmable and contingent on behaviour and attitude, and therefore a central instrument of the totalitarian system that will take up where the Covid tyranny left off.
This, writes Rogers Webb, is the planned endgame of the accumulation of debt that has characterised Western economies for half a century.
This is being executed by long-planned, intelligent design, the audacity and scope of which is difficult for the mind to encompass. Included are all financial assets, all money on deposit at banks, all stocks and bonds, and hence, all underlying property of all public corporations, including all inventories, plant and equipment, land, mineral deposits, inventions and intellectual property. Privately owned personal and real property financed with any amount of debt will be similarly taken, as will the assets of privately owned businesses, which have been financed with debt. If even partially ‘successful,’ this will be the greatest conquest and subjugation in world history.
To achieve these ends, we have been for some time, says David Rogers Webb, in the midst of a ‘hybrid war’ — a combination of forces, public and private, using a multiplicity of weapons — directed at humanity in general, which is to say everyone apart from the tiny FEW represented by the WEF: brainwashing, soft tyranny, the suspension of charters, conventions and constitutions, mandates, cancellation, censorship and the minting of new legal concepts, such as ‘domestic terrorism,’ to deal with those who insist on objecting.
This time, what the thieves will take is all of your property, or what you thought was your property.
Webb puts it like this:
Here is your Central Bank Digital Currency deposited on your smart phone, so that you can buy milk. Noblesse Oblige!
What is coming, as he describes it, will be merciless — to the outer reaches of the meaning of that word. The world has never seen anything like it. This is what has been in train for the past 48 months: the orchestration of the Great Taking. This is the reason for the lockdown, the propaganda, the bogus PCR tests, the fomenting of the Ukraine war and the slaughter on the Gaza Strip. This is why they need ‘hate speech’ laws: to stop us speaking publicly about what they have done/are doing to us. To complain is to hate. And it all started with a head cold.
In this respect, David Rogers Webb tells us nothing new. But he summarises effectively, lest we misunderstand anything:
Governments broadly abused fundamental human rights using as justification prevention of the spread of infectious diseases, which are, in truth, a great many, ever-present, and continually evolving. And so, this justification, if allowed to stand, affirms the end of democracy and the continuation of openly despotic government.
And the WHO ‘pandemic treaty’ — likely to be implemented by a majority of governments thoughought the West within a couple of months — is set to make these conditions permament, creating a state of implicitly permanent ‘Emergency’ (invocable by an external body at the drop of a needle) throughout the former Free West and beyond.
In a certain light, as already noted, what is happening now has strong roots in the early 1970s, and before that into the mists of history. But the scale of what is about to happen exceeds anything ever conceived of in the public discourse, economic hypothesising, academic literature or ideological argumentation of the mass media era. What is planned amounts to a deliberate and unabashed takedown of not merely the financial and economic systems of the world, but of all the broader and ancillary infrastructures of societies, democracies, civilisation. In short, this puts an end to the era of freedom that began with the Greeks and seemed to achieved its apotheosis after the 1960s countercultural revolutions, whereas in truth the star of freedom was already generating an excess of the wrong types of freedom, and consequently taking in energy from outside, causing the edifice of Western civilisation to fall in upon itself.
The scale of the resulting reversal is total and, by now, possibly irreversible. Never before has a system benefitted so few at the expense of so many, with the few continually becoming richer and fewer, and the many reducing to a great mass, drifting towards subsistence or much worse.
The people behind this, says David Rogers Webb, are the same people — in the sense of ‘the same stock’ — who orchestrated the great wars of the twentieth century, who have never been investigated or called to account. What has been happening in Ukraine and Gaza is in line with the historical patterns — and the world has fallen for it again. The people behind the wars are ‘quite literally, lying, thieving killers, and they know it,’ he writes. They will leave nothing behind, especially not witnesses to their crimes.
It should be clear to us that only a miracle can now prevent this catastrophe unfolding until it consumes the world as we have known it.
Webb writes:
We are in the grip of the greatest evil humanity has ever faced (or refused to acknowledge, as the case may be). Hybrid war is unlimited. It has no bounds. It is global, and it is inside your head. It is never-ending.
Strangely, after all that, he is hopeful. The collapse of the star that is Western civilisation has multiple unpredictable characteristics.
We have witnessed designs and real attempts to exert physical control over every person’s body, globally, and this is continuing. Why is this happening?
I will make a startling assertion. This is not because the power to control is increasing. It is because this power is indeed collapsing. The ‘control system’ has entered collapse.
Their power has been based on deception. Their two great powers of deception, money and media, have been extremely energy-efficient means of control. But these powers are now in rampant collapse. This is why they have moved urgently to institute physical control measures. However, physical control is difficult, dangerous and energy-intensive. And so, they are risking all. They are risking being seen. Is this not a sign of desperation?
Where will they hide when they have all of the assets, when they have damaged all of humanity, and caused billions to awaken through suffering?
They promote the belief that they are all-powerful. They are not. All they have had is the power to print money. The rest, they have usurped from humanity.
And again:
Antipathy for humanity is aberrant. For 99.99% of human history, sociopaths like these would not have survived the next winter. Their nature was seen and they were ostracized from the village, to save the village.
They operate today through anonymity enabled by inhuman scale of social organization. Even so, this will not allow them to continue indefinitely. We have entered a time in which their nature is being recognized. Knowledge of their existence has become unavoidable. Their grasping will come to an end, because all of humanity cannot allow it to continue. Once it is recognized, humans will bond against a common existential threat. People from all walks of life will join in common cause. We have witnessed this already.
What we contemplate here is both ‘fictional’ and all too real. It is, as already stated, the usurpation of economy by gangs of feral predators who have been living and prospering off the system designed for human protection, preservation, endeavouring, development, enrichment and enhancement, for half a century and indeed long before that, in multiple other ways. Nothing of this has contributed as much as a cent or a spud or a cake of bread to human prosperity or well-being. What we speak of are parasites, and like all parasites they are not content with merely leeching — they must also invade and commandeer. It is important that we firstly understand this, if we are to have any chance of overturning what is occurring: that these are criminals, just like bank-robbers or kidnappers or gangs of rapists — only a billion times worse. In truth, they are the controllers of the world solely through processes that enable them to usurp our power by appropriating the instruments of democratic power and its attendant instruments of coercion — by corrupting those to whom we entrusted that power by making them our ‘representatives.’ Otherwise , these are just pathetic leeches and bloodsuckers.
And this is why they are flooding our counties with unvetted, unidentifiable military-age men — so they will have willing, stakeless agents to carry out their dirty work when the marquee finally comes tumbling down.
The parasite was a standard character of Ancient Greek drama. The literal meaning of the word ‘parasite’ is ‘beside food’, a Greek word for ‘waiter,’ which subsequently came to mean a hanger-on, referring to a sponger who plied the wealthy with charming conversation in return for comestibles. In due course, the word teleported to biology, where it became inter alia the source of multiple metaphors of leeching and blood-sucking. Biological parasites use all kinds of tricks to fool the immune system of the host into providing them with the conditions ideal to their existence.
The phenomenon of economic parasitism has featured as a topic of writers for more than a century. In 1898, an American writer, John Brown, published a book called Parasitic Wealth to Money Reform: A Manifesto to the People of the United States and the Workers of the World. He complained that two-thirds of American wealth was concentrated in the hands of six per cent of the population. ‘With the refinement of innate cruelty,’ he wrote, ‘these parasites eat their way into the living substance of their living but helpless host, avoiding all the vital parts to prolong the agony of a lingering death.’
This metaphor blends into literalism as treated in Parasite Rex, the 2000 book of biologist Carl Zimmer, subtitled ‘inside the bizarre world of nature’s most dangerous creatures’, meaning the biological parasites that infest the bodies of animals and humans. It is an extraordinary detailed and graphic book of biology, but the contents page is instructive as to the metaphorical value of these comparisons in our present context:
Chapter 1: ‘How parasites came to be hated by just about everyone’;
Chapter 3: ‘How parasites provoke, manipulate, and get intimate with our immune system’;
Chapter 4: ‘How parasites turn their hosts into castrated slaves, drink blood and manage to change the balance of nature’.
Zimmer elaborates:
‘A parasite lives in a delicate competition with its host for the host's own flesh and blood. Any energy that the host uses itself could go instead to the growing parasite. Yet, a parasite would be foolish to cut off the energy to a vital organ like the brain, since the host would no longer be able to find any food at all. So the parasite cuts off the less essential things. As Cotesia congregata robs the caterpillar of its fat stores, it also shuts down its host’s sex organs. Male caterpillars are born with big testes, and normally they channel a lot of the energy from their food into building them up even more. When a parasitic wasp lives inside the małe, however, the testes shrivel up. Castration is a strategy that any number of parasites have hit on independently — Sacculina does it to crabs, and blood flukes do it to the snails they invade. Unable to waste energy on building eggs or testes, on finding a mate, or on raising young, a host becomes, genetically speaking, a zombie: one of the undead serving a master.’
Zimmer elaborates on aspects that resonate with the present, early-21st century parallels between parasitism in nature and in inter-human relations:
`In attacking humans,’ he warns, ‘a parasite can manipulate its host in ways that dispose it better to their desires and demands. Psychologists have found that Toxoplasma changes the personality of its human hosts, bringing different shifts to men and women. Men become less willing to submit to the moral standards of a community, less worried about being punished for breaking society’s rules, more distrustful of other people. Women become more outgoing and warmhearted. Both changes seem to break down the fear that might keep a host out of danger.’
Interestingly, biological parasites use serotonin-boosting molecules to adapt their hosts and make them less wary — for example persuading a male host that it’s having sex, or convincing a female host that she is the male. Zimmer advises that parasites ‘come equipped with a big pharmacy full of drugs ready to be dispensed [to its victim] at different times during the parasite’s life when it needs different things.’
In a certain light, the above may be read a kind of metaphorical summary of Western culture in the post-1960s era.
As observed in the first part of this short series, the WEF is not fighting for equality or inclusivity or justice, anymore than it is comprised of environmental fanatics lying sleepless at night thinking of the future of Planet Earth. The motherWEFfers are not seeking to divvy up the Earth’s resources on a more equitable basis; quite the contrary. BlackRock is not a bleeding-heart operation. Instead, it now seems clear, the plan is to present the world with a Hobson’s choice: slavery under a unipolar system — a continuation of US/EU/NATO hegemony — or the same under a ‘multipolar world’ led by Russia/China, a fake alternative that is no kind of alternative at all. This has been the meaning of the hot wars of the past two years — in Ukraine, Gaza and Yemen: to create a constant sense of the world plummeting towards a disastrous conflict that will alter our lives out of all recognition no matter who wins. The Woke element, being born out of the Sixties ‘freedom’ revolution (sex is everything!) is a distraction, put in place to capture the imagination of the West in a manner as to demoralise it and perhaps make it grateful if Russia/China finally wins. All the stories we have been told, which we have been telling ourselves, are planted to serve this ultimate agenda.
It now seems as though every player in these dramas is, in some sense or another, a kind of actor. I resisted this thesis for a fair while, but now I begin to believe I was wrong. I do not claim to understand how Vladimir Putin — for example — could be such an actor. If so, he is a rather good one. In fact, in piecing together my ‘dry stone wall’ of understanding, I have been arguing that this is not possible, that he seems utterly sincere, that his disgust of the drifts of the West is too real to be invented, that he would not bet the best of Russian manhood in the service of such a project; but now I think I may have underestimated the mentality that it nowadays takes to lead a country in the first place: The prize is too alluring for any political leader, who must perforce make pragmatic decisions all the time, not to be prepared to lay down these wagers and live with the outcome on the basis of whatever rationalisation suggests itself as plausible.
If this hypothesis is correct, then everything we have been watching is indeed part of the drama, and the behaviour of all the layers begins to make more sense. By this (unproven, possibly unprovable) hypothesis, Tucker Carlson had to leave Fox News in order to do his Putin interview; Elon Musk had to buy Twitter in order to be seen to be the Hero On A White Charger, shouting slogans about freedom as he rode into town.
For the several years since I started delving into these matters, I have been subject to particular drips of information from various quarters, which half the time I believed and half the time I did not. Now, I understand that, in the generality of this material, I was being fed information in which the truth was buried — i.e. not to be found in its literal content but in the runes of what I was being exhorted to believe and relay, which in most instances was intended as planted misdirection. The truth was neither what I was being told, nor what was, in whatever context, being explicitly or implicitly refuted — i.e. neither thesis nor antithesis — but in a synthesis of these. Very often it confused me on account of its surface lack of coherence. But I was reading it wrongly — for raw facts and indicators and directions, rather than for what it was: a leaked movie script in which the false dichotomy was being peddled by way of a narrative tease: Bad Guys within and White Hats without. I even published some versions of this narrative, though studded around with caveats, and now I must revisit these to clarify not so much their veracity as their correct place in the plot. To be frank: more and more I was leaning towards the idea that the West had become so evil that Russia/China must perforce represent a better alternative. From any sane evaluation of, say, the past history of Western civilisation, this should rightly be regarded as seriously dangerous thinking, and yet now — in these unprecedented moments — it seems almost prudent to contemplate it. And yet, hold on: Mao, Lenin, Stalin, et cetera?: Get a grip! — no?
And doesn’t even the validity of that question betray a sneaking residual belief that nothing quite as bad as all that could happen in the ‘democratic’ West? And how delusional is that, after all we’ve come through?
The official narrative of Western society has for several years now been promoting a version of our future that amounts, in truth, to a version of the West in which it turns into Russia/China willy nilly — or something akin to that — Hobson’s choice, with the sole element of ‘choice’ being how we, the People, decide to deal with this. Will we resist and bring the wrath of the New Masters down upon our heads, or acquiesce, make the best of it and knuckle down to a life of neo-feudal unfreedom? In truth, the planned ultimate outcome amounts to the same thing: democracy ends and digital slavery begins.
Ultimately, I believe, the Plan is Plan A: that we shall ‘cling to nurse for fear of something worse’ — that the tyrants have anticipated that we will opt for the devil we know rather than the one we only know of, but with the ‘software’ of our future existence being indistinguishable, one way or the other.
A couple of years back, as Elon Musk was beginning to emerge as some kind of one-man cavalry driven by something like the values we had watched being torched for the previous two years — I described him as a ‘hero on a zebra’, a phrase no one appears to have interpreted as I intended it. I thought it obvious that it was intended to convey a man on an ambiguous steed — neither a black stallion nor a white charger — and therefore not so easy to pin down, and accordingly probably to be regarded with suspicion, no matter how persuasive his patter. I have long been sceptical of Twitter, which, being a central element of the mechanisms of the takedown of our civilisation, is unlikely to be any kind of solution, and so, while acknowledging at least the surface desirability of his assuming control of the platform he rather ludicrously dubbed ‘the public square’, I cited as evidence of a countervailing darkness his involvement in surveillance satellites, the development of driverless cars and technological enterprises that strive to connect human brains to computers, as evidences of a possible dark side. I say this as someone who is as captivated by Elon Musk’s charism and charisma as just about anyone. I have listened to dozens of hours of his interviews online, and find him profoundly engaging, intelligent, seemingly humane and idealistic, and extremely entertaining, even allowing for my suspicion. Having listened to him very carefully for many months, and especially in his unpicking of Twitter corruption last year, I am now more than ever certain that Musk is not what he seems. However uplifting or enteraining his presence becomes, he still doesn’t seem to be achieving anything that might be deemed useful in the circumstances I am trying to describe.
A dark thought occurs to me, as it has occurred to others, and will not go away: What if Musk is one of the Combine’s creatures, but carefully choreographed to appear to be something like a ‘white hat’, who has come to rescue us from the villainous Schwab and his scheming, evil-laughing minions? What if this is the true Plot? I have wondered many times about their pushing of Schwab, the dead spit of a pantomime villain, to the forefront of their Great Reset, and asked myself: What if they are making a movie, in which wicked old Klaus is being set up (probably knowingly, since he plays it with such gusto!) as the fall guy, — i.e. the story of a plot to take over the world that is destined to fail because the ‘cavalry’ arrives just in the nick of time?
And then what? After the celebrations, we all sit around (‘democratically,’ as in the olden days) and discuss what to do. Nice Mr Musk has an idea: Why don’t we introduce a social credit system using his satellite surveillance network, get our brains chipped and each receive a free driverless car? Whoopee!, Elon — yes, let’s!
By way of evidential submission: Whereas Musk was last year vociferously stating that he would fund any litigant who sought to challenge the proposed Irish ‘hate speech’ laws (all but universally deemed to be the most draconian ever tabled in the former Free World) but more recently (and to remarkably sparse commentary) has appeared to resile from this offer and meekly stated that Twitter/X will ‘obey the law’.
Right now, it appears that, although the Combine appears unstoppable, short of a miracle, its ‘victory’ on the present trajectory would, as David Rogers Webb has postulated, be a Pyrrhic one, because it would have been achieved mainly through coercion and a degree of Bad Guy-inflicted ugliness, such as we have observed, in trial-mode, over the past 48 months. Far better to create a plot-twist at a late stage in the action, making it appear like the evildoers have been defeated by a shining new hero who arrives promising freedom and progress at the same time. What I am suggesting is a third-act shift of narrative, in which the one-man-cavalry comes over the hill (on his zebra) and everyone breathes a sigh of relief and goes back to watching Netflix. And then, the surveillance and the process of human electrification and the centrally-controlled electric vehicles will be ramped up again, but this time in a climate of renewed complacency and celebration. It is certainly a movie I might like to watch, though not to be trapped in.
Paradoxically — and regardless of which fork in the road we drive or are driven down — as we approach the denouement of this criminal campaign, there will be a fleeting opportunity to arrest it, and possibly even its parasitical perpetrators. Already, there is a growing consciousness about the true nature not merely of this crime but all the associated crimes which have been committed in order to keep this primary crime under wraps. This, as described, is why the world economy was placed in a coma in March of 2020, on the rumour of a respiratory infection. This is why martial law was introduced at that point — both as precautionary measure in its own moment and rehearsal for a future more ominous one. This was why millions of people (between 20 and 100 millions, by various estimates) were designated to die, from stress, grief, sedatives, ventilators, experimental injections, lack of medical attention, despair, and multiple other causes. This is why the public conversation had to be compromised by the purchasing of journalism. This is why Mr Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock, was heard to muse about totalitarianism being possibly a better fit than democracy for the ‘modern’ forms of capitalism. This is why democracy was put on ice with a view to its final dismantling — all while more than a few of those who stood to lose everything from the ‘success’ of this initiative were going around abusing one another for not wearing face coverings.
Our immediate instinct is both rational and unthinking: Why not simply arrest these malefactors now, before it is too late? It is a good question, but there is a problem. Normally, once a crime is detected and described, it is merely a formality to carry out the processes of arrest, prosecution, conviction and sentencing of those found to be guilty. But this is also a unique category of crime, and in more senses than one. Apart from its scale and duration, this crime is distinguished by the fact that it is one in which the power to prosecute is all but entirely trapped within the criminal fraternity. Because those designated by society to investigate, prosecute, judge and punish such crimes are this time themselves, virtually without exception, implicated (as perpetrators or accomplices), it is by no means clear how this particular set of crimes would be defined and treated as such by anyone but its helpless victims. Accordingly, the inevitable outcome of this situation, as things stand, is likely to involve the victims themselves being deemed the perpetrators, and punished accordingly.
How might this be avoided? In a subsequent series, post-Easter, I plan to explore the deeper thinking of the twentieth century economist and philosopher, Friedrich Hayek, so that we can prepare ourselves and our thoughts for the moral challenge of overturning this ultimate crime of the brigands who parade themselves as virtuous custodians of the planet, while in reality seeking to plunder its resources to the point of outrightly dispossessing the remainder of its human population. The Road to Serfdom, Hayek’s most famous book — mistakenly remembered as an economic treatise, and often perceived as an extremist ideological tract — is really a work of political philosophy directed at identifying the core nature of human freedom. In my view, among all of the dystopian expositions/narratives we have inherited, this is the one most relevant to our present situation — in the main because it penetrates beneath the ideological standpoints and rigidities to the existential level at which true human feeling might be invoked in the interests of a true liberation. It may not be too late to (re)read it.
Series concluded (for now).
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