Baron Strawberry's Electoral Interrogation
‘I believe that an independent Ireland is the only way forward. But that needs to be an independent Ireland by its own lights, not one altered out of all recognition by these globalist forces.'
Ireland By Her Own Lights
I found myself back on with Baron Strawberry this week to answer two hours’ worth of questions from his viewers concerning my positions on the EU, media and political corruption, Ireland’s future chances of becoming a sovereign nation, my rivals in the forthcoming European parliament elections on June 7th, and much more. On that approaching fateful Friday, the people of Midlands North West — more than half the geographical territory of the Irish Republic — will have a chance to vote on whether they want to continue with the current failed system or try something different. As I explain, my candidacy in that election is not about launching a political career, still less of conferring recognition on the corrupt edifice that is the totalitarian Eurobullying machine led by Mrs von der Liar, but of doing what little I can to demonstrate that, in standing up, one by one, with the intention of behaving like truly sovereign people, and thereby bypassing the corrupt actors and systems to which we have hitherto entrusted our affairs and our futures, we open up for ourselves the sole chance we have of reclaiming and redeeming our country.
‘I would hope that in my lifetime I will see the end of the European Union, that we will disengage from it and go back to being good old Ireland, and find a cadre of leaders who have the capacity and imagination to run Ireland by its own lights.’
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