An Honest Conversation with Dr Eoin Lenihan
‘They're trying to make the Irish white. They’re trying to downplay our past and make us forget our colonial heritage. Because if you can make the Irish white you can make anyone white.'— Eoin Lenihan
Demonstration in support of the Dunnes Stores anti-apartheid strikers, Dublin 1984
Nostalgia for Nineteen Eighty-four
Dr Eoin Lenihan, journalist, former archeologist and academic, was born in County Clare in 1982 and grew up in an Ireland where things were tight and money was scare. Yet, he looks back and sees the lost promise of those years, when Ireland was genuinely free and capable of creating a future for itself in which it could have been anything it wanted — if only it had been left alone to do it. Alas, radical outside interference was to decide everything, with the native people sidelined, distracted and intimidated, unable to resist.
And now? Now Ireland faces obliteration by a process of mass neo-plantation, overseen by a treasonous political class. From a short remove, in Germany, Eoin watches as his country is systematically destroyed, its culture trampled upon, its people — yet again — humiliated and abused.
Meanwhile, Irish people sit around and wonder how far they’re going to allow it to go before they kick the chair. We do not appear to grasp the true depths of the danger of demographic change. It begins as a novelty and develops briefly into a form of exotica, but slowly moves into a more ominous phase, unmistakable for anything other than replacement. This is stealth invasion: It creeps rather than marches. One day it isn’t a problem; the next day it is. There is always a tipping point, beyond which everything changes, and not in such a good way. One day we will get up to find that it no longer matters what we think or say because we will be a quaint residue of a people who are no longer in control of their futures, or in possession of their ancestral home. Next comes the requirement for reverse-integration — the host population being required to integrate with the alien invaders.
‘The Celtic Tiger felt like a machine, It felt like this was our industrial age. Suddenly people were being — by unseen hands — crammed in the same direction. That’s why I talk abut the loss of characters — that’s one of the great indicators. Like, who are the characters? Like what you were doing. Like the lads who went off — and some of them are clowns now — but the ones who went off and conquered America and Europe with their folk music and writing and whatnot. Look at all the publication houses that opened up. There was a huge . . . maybe not a huge amount, but there was a lot of people who had that feeling you had, as well. You don’t have them now. You just don’t!’
‘You’ll just be a curiosity. Your idiosyncrasies will be seen as quaint, and that’s all. But . . . “Shut up and do what you’re told!” And it’ll be the same thing that everyone’s told, across Europe and America. and everywhere else.’
‘I did my doctorate in international education, and I wrote a model, based on my experience in the international school system, on how to teach in very diverse classrooms. I was a teacher and I wrote a lot at the time and I was the darling of the left-wing teaching crowd until cominf on 2015 and I said, “What a minute, uh-oh!, things aren’t right!” I did my research in one of the these high migrant, low income ghetto areas of Germany. What I saw there — it’s shocking just how difficult — impossible — it is for certain groups to integrate. And I’m talking now here in Germany where there are the benefits of three or four generations, from the 1950s on . . . The mistakes they made Ireland is making [now], and this is why I get so annoyed at how “f-beep” useless our politicians are, that they never once looked to Germany, France, Netherlands, wherever else, at the failures of what they’re doing. Instead they had this, ‘Shure aren’t we good fellas!’ If they looked at Germany, or any of the statistics and data . . . One of the mistakes they made was they brought in en masse. When they needed to rebuild Germany in the 19590s, they would go over to central Anatolia, in the middle of Turkey, the most poor, backward, conservative parts, and they would bring the whole village over — they would just transplant the village. Where was the initiative to integrate? And four generations they’re not [integrating]. And by chain migration they’re bringing over first cousins, second cousins, marrying them, continuing the clan. The clan is stronger now than it was in the 1950s in central Anatolia. You can see that in northern England. And it is happening [in Ireland] too, but they won’t admit it, and they don’t want to talk about it — until 20 years down the line when all these lads are drawing their pensions and then — “Shure begorra, who could’ve seen it?”’
‘That’s something that really bugs me, that grubby, ugly way that the left now — and the Government included, because they do act like hard left in anything to to with migration — this “Shure the Irish went abroad and they . . .” Listen! Going abroad to die in a New York tenement! Show me the bodies underneath the railways lines of America — the Irish bodies! Show me the ones encased in concrete in their dams! Give me a break. They came in through Ellis Isand; they were all registered, and then they all went off to be exploited. They paid their debt in blood by building that nation, which is why now we say that we have historical ties. I have to laugh — because the Irish went to America we have to let in every Algerian? What did the Algerians ever do for us?
‘Listen! We built America — we get a voice in America. We helped build Australia. We were shipped there as prisoners in thousands — the last of the slaves. It wasn’t on paper, but they were the last slaves — white slavery. When they banned the Atlantic slave trade, they were still shipping them to Australia. We have paid out debt in blood, and we’re entitled — the ones who stayed behind, who managed to survive on nothing — you were entitled to have that quiet little rock in the middle of nowhere. It sounds cold, but we owe nothing! And that’s the point: you have to start from there, because when you don’t start from there, that’s when they come and say, “Well, fuck you — you’ll change for me!” . . . And a lot of them wouldn’t be that way only they’re told to be that way. The problem is you have people coming over now with a huge sense of entitlement, because they’re being told by all these NGOs and the Government that they don’t have to integrate.’
‘There’s a sense that’s been bubbling for a long time that they’re trying to make the Irish “white”. They’re trying to downplay our past and make us forget our colonial heritage. Because if you an make the Irish white, you can make anyone white.’
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