2 Video Conversations: ‘Mister Orwell! I read your books!’
‘The point is to offer some kind of challenge to tyranny and authoritarianism, not to put bums on seats and have people munching popcorn while they listen to your bullshit.’
1984: 40 years later, and in our faces
Video No. 1
‘[Peterson] is more like Lear than the Fool, because he’s the guy with the fatal flaw who can’t see what’s happening!’
I was on with James Collins Ireland for the 16th time on Sunday, when we discussed my impressions as an invited observer at the recent inaugural meeting of ARC, the Jordan Peterson-inspired movement what was supposed to take on the motherWEFfers, but seems more likely to try to steal their clothes. Also the usual litaneutical instances, on the domestic front, of gaslighting, deception, bullying and general dishonestly by the always predictable Unspeakable Creeps, and the continuing destruction of the very fabric of Ireland and its culture by dint of its flooding with hordes of mooching aliens, who mostly barely know the name of the country they’re in.
‘We don’t need more of these people in this country I don’t care what colour they are — Black, while, blue, green — it doesn’t matter. It has nothing to do with it. We have our own underclass, we don’t need to import one — and that’s what they’re doing. This is not organic migration, where people who are qualified, or interested in Ireland, or have a talent for something and want to exercise it in Ireland and come here in hope — fine! Great! This is not that. This is them going around the world, picking up the dregs of every society and depositing them in our country.’
‘This is actually an invasion in a very particular sense — not in any rhetorical sense, but an invasion in that it is a subtle way of doing what was once done with swords and spears and crossbows. What they’re doing is they’re weaponising the good intentions of the average Irish person, and forcing them to magnify them in their owns minds, so that they’re confused by the accusation that they’re not living up to their own principles, or Christian principles. And they are kind of stuck dumb. And by the time that spell wears off, they will look around and everybody will be gone except all these strangers. And the next thing somebody will turn and say, “What are you doing here . . . Paddy?”’
‘Journalism was the enforcement of The Good — whether ethical or decent, or whatever the impulse might be. You were urging the world to be good. And then they flipped it, and the world was urged to be bad!’
‘A contrarian? To which I say, “Contrary to what?” Contrary to the majority? Guilty. Contrary to the conventional wisdom? Guilty. Contrary to the prevailing view? Guilty. Contrary to the narrative? Guilty. I’ll tell you what contrarian means: It means you don’t agree with me. Or, in many cases that you don’t think you agree with me, because you’ve been told you can’t. Well, maybe it’s time to think again.’
‘The people I have met on our side in the past four years, they are the good people. So they can call us what they like, but we are on the side of The Good, and they are evil. And they are speaking evil, and they are doing evil. It’s important to remember that. Don’t ever let us feel that we have criminalised ourselves because the law has somehow put a finger on us. The law is corrupt. The legal system is corrupt. Myself and Gemma [O’Doherty] showed that. For two and a half years, we went through the whole system, to see if there was one . . . And there was one decent judge in the whole system.’
‘There’s nothing these guys can do to me that’s going to shut me up. I want to make that clear to them if they’re in the business of listening to me. These guys ar pure evil. What they’ve done to this country is pure evil, under all the headings we’ve touched on. No matter what they call me, or however they use their corrupt police force, or their corrupt courts against me, I know that I’m dealing with criminals, every step of the way, When I’m accused by a Garda, I know I’m being accused by a criminal. When I’m accused by a judge, I know I’m being accused by a criminal. When I’m accused by a politician, I know for sure I’m being accused by a criminal. I’m not the criminal, and they’re not going to persuade me that I’m the criminal just by dragging me through their criminal system.’
‘The surreal nature of where we are, in so many respects, is that we read about all this as prophecy in the works of people like George Orwell, and we imagined then, that, well, this can never happen here because we’re, as it were, inoculated against this by the consciousness that Orwell has given us. And yet, it’s happening now. You mentioned the knuckle in my back — [Padraic] Pearse’s — but I also feel that other knuckle, the bony knuckle of George Orwell. Because sometimes I get tired or sick and think, Oh, I can’t write something this week! And then I feel it. And it’s Mr Orwell’s. And I think,”Mister Orwell, I read your books! I read your books!" I have a duty, a responsibility, that arises from having taken those books seriously, to go out and spread your words, because you are not here to do it!”’
‘[What we do] is accompaniment. We’re accompanying each other on this journey, through this struggle, this battle. I was down the midlands yesterday, and I spoke at an event, which is quite unusual these days, and that was the tenor of what people were saying to me, that they welcome what we do because it reassures them, and gives them encouragement and affirmation, and hope. We’re holding each other’s hands as we make this journey, facing down these tyrants who have stolen the powers that we gifted them to use on our behalf — against us. And that is unforgivable. I said this in the meeting yesterday, and I’ve said it a few times recently, because I do believe this: that we cannot lose this. And I mean we cannot. I don’t mean that as a kind of hopeful exhortation to myself. It’s because we do represent the good, and because the good must always triumph — has always triumphed in history, ultimately, otherwise the planet wouldn’t be here, we wouldn’t be here, we would have been destroyed by evil long since, if evil prevailed. Evil does not prevail, only for short periods. And our job is simply to stay the course until we can turn this around.’
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Video No. 2:
The Unelected Mediocracy
The latest in the ‘bi-annual’ marathon discussions I’ve been conducting with Christian Morris, from Howth, County Dublin — one of the shrewdest Irish observers of our present Situation — in which we explore what has happened to the world, in particular our own part of it — experimentally delving into the past in search of ominous signs that might have warned us about what was afoot, teasing out the meanings of things, plumbing the evil that has overtaken our cultures, but ultimately seeking the chink of hope’s light, if not exactly optimism’s warm glow.
Subjects include multiple phenomena currently in use to demoralise and debase Irish culture and the Irish nation, including the dark art of filibustering, the darker arts of memory-holing, the visible characteristics of condescension, and much more.
Put the kettle on!
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