2 Podcasts from this week: Ireland’s chance to say No!
‘The WEF is a school for tyrants. And when you come out, you're a fully-polished tyrant. Our man, the Varadkreep, he got the full degree. A Masters in Tyranny.'
Come back, Cromwell! (He wasn’t the worst after all!)
Aside from their many other flaws and intrinsic cynicisms, the proposed latest changes to the Irish Constitution do nothing to help those in the ‘alternative families’ the Government claims to be concerned about. I should know this, because, for many years, I was a pioneer in the campaign to gain rights and protections for unmarried fathers and their children, a claim ignored by politicians to this day. They are not seeking to mend their hand now, for this and other such categories would benefit nothing from the proposed constitutional amendments. They are not interested in anyone’s rights — quite the contrary. They are using the same old ‘progressive’ bait to lead people to perdition, towards a total stripping of their rights as human persons, in the guise of progress.
‘Progress’ is just a nice-sounding word (not to me!) to hook naive and innocent people. They are trying to recapture the 'Spirit of 2015' (gay marriage) and/or the ‘Spirit of 2018’ (abortion), and think everybody is stupid enough to buy into it. They may be in for a surprise. The purposes of these changes are all ulterior, a continuation of the long war on the fundamental rights section of the Irish Constitution, which has been going on for many years, but especially aggressively in the past dozen or so.
There are several reasons why they want to change the reference to mothers and women in the home — to remove the claim on the State which families have via the mother, to be supported when times are tough; but also to remove the words 'woman' and 'mother' because they plan to speak in future not about mothers and farther but about ‘Parent 1’ and ‘Parent 2’ (the gay agenda). Their claim that Article 41 is 'sexist' is a lie. It offers mothers the choice of caring for their children themselves, in the family home, free of pressure to work externally in order to make ends meet. There is another Article (Article 45) which guarantees the woman's right to work outside the home if she wants to.
They are disgusting liars. All that comes out of their mouths is lies.
The other amendment is mainly about creating a vague redefinition of 'Family' so they can bring in more and more migrants, to replace the indigenous population — a project already well advanced — including Muslim families who practice polygamy and are therefore 'discriminated against' under existing Irish law.
This is part of an enormous racist attack on the Irish population, who so far have shown little or no capacity to understand what is happening to them. Friday March 8th is D-day, Ireland’s chance to finally say No, but it may also be the final chance of its kind. Perhaps this will be the moment when the Irish People emerge from their long slumber and begin to sniff the scent of evil that hangs in the air.
Of course, in a sense, these exercises in ‘democracy’ are mostly just distractions, to take our attention away from what is happening with the financial system and the general state of the global economy. The money systems of the West are about to collapse, and the plan of the Combine (essentially a hidden group of oligarchs fronted up by the Worled Economic Forum) is to conduct a final operation of plundering the tangible wealth of the Peoples of the West, and then introduce an essentially neo-feudal control grid in which we will be digitally imprisoned and reduced to a quality of life far worse than that enjoyed by our grandparents. The World Economic Forum (WEF), a totally undemocratic body, is probably the most dangerous entity in the world right now. Spell the acronym 'WEF' backwards — what do you get? The FEW. That's who they are: the people who wish to make real the prophecy of C.S. Lewis that, when men become Gods, it is not every man and every woman, but 'the few' who acquire such a blasphemous ‘divinity’. This is what is happening, and the destruction over the past four years of our charters, conventions, constitutions and laws has all been in preparation for all this. We are now entering the denouement phase.
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The Richie Allen Show, Monday, March 4th 2024
‘I did believe in the democratic system. I believed it was functional. I didn’t believe in it necessarily in a very naïve way — that it was capable of doing whatever the People wanted. But it seemed that, within a fairly wide band, it was amenable to the will of the People. Now I realise that that was an illusion predicated on the fact that the parties were themselves designed to stay within a very narrow band anyway, and not to enable a party that was offering anything broader any real chance of getting into power.’
‘The WEF is a school for tyrants. I don’t know where they get the money — do they have to put it up themselves? It’s a few hundred thousand, actually, to go through the full course. And when you come out, you are a fully-polished tyrant. Our man, the Varadkreep, he got the whole degree. He got the Masters in Tyranny. Martin, who was his deputy, probably only got a Bachelor of Tyranny. [Varadkar] is the guy they’re all trying to catch up with, to be as ignorant and fascistic as he is. He’s the model. He’s the Gold Standard in totalitarian demeanour and visage. That where that’s all coming from, that tone and demeanour, that sense of, “Here’s a straw — suck it up!”’
‘Let me tell you, Richie, between ourselves. I wanted to walk away, many’s the time, when I was dealing with the corruption of the England and Wales family law system. Or the Irish system — though less so. Because I was being driven to absolute distraction by it. It takes superhuman powers, which I was able to have only by tapping into a spiritual source, to keep me in the game. And when guys walk away, I no longer judge them. I know why.’
‘This is the extraordinary thing: that in a culture which we’ve just come through, in which it became verboten to be prejudiced about any group whatsoever, on the basis of gender, sex, colour, blah-blah — you could still do it to men! You could still say, “Oh, he’s probably hammering her anyway, he’s probably clattering her!” “Arra yah, he’ll spend the money on drink!”’
To listen to my conversation with Richie Allen, click here.
(Our conversation begins about 36 minutes in.)
‘Locked and Loaded’, with Rick Munn, TNT Radio, Brisbane, Monday March 4th 2024
‘The demeanour, visage, of these people [politicians] is extraordinarily hostile to the Irish people. They go around — literally, almost — giving out straws and saying, “Suck it up! Suck it up! Suck it up! Whatever we say goes. You don’t count anymore. The Irish People are abolished.”’
‘There’s no earthly way that Ireland can become united without the consent of the unionist people. We know that, and that still holds. And the idea that the unionist people are going to come into a rainbow nation, led by Leo Varadkar or some similar creep, is insane, because it is poking the fire adjacent to the explosives.’
‘A strange turnout: Those of us in the South, the Republic, who now look askance at our own Government, and hear all this stuff, in this context and in so many others — the attacks on freedom, the attacks on identity, the attacks on culture, the attacks on sanity, the attacks on common sense on a daily basis — the weird thing is that, gradually, even those who were, 30 years ago, in a certain sense hostile to the unionist people, in the sense that we were for the Nationalist/Catholic people, and in that sense maybe supportive of Sinn Féin, supportive of even the IRA in many instances — now we find ourselves in tune with the loyalist/unionist people, because they don’t want this stuff either!’
To watch and listen to my conversation with Rick Munn, click here
(Conversation starts at 38 minutes in.)
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